Calendar Code: Staying on Schedule for Design Projects

Learn time-tested tips, templates, and tools incorporated at every step of my design workflow to help you stay on track.

In this workshop, you'll learn how to stay on schedule for your design projects. As a self-taught designer and developer, I’ve faced the challenge of maintaining a strict schedule firsthand. That's why I created this presentation—to share my time-tested tips, templates, and tools to help you stay on track.


What You'll Learn:

  • Discovery Phase: Setting expectations and collaboration tips for successful project kickoffs.

  • Proposal and Contract: Establishing boundaries and client responsibilities.

  • Onboarding: Utilizing a client portal to keep organized and streamline project management.

  • Design Phase: Effective wireframing and maintaining design consistency.

  • Development Phase: Smart coding techniques and checklist usage.

  • Feedback and Offboarding: Ensuring timely feedback and smooth project handovers.