

Collaborate with our Standout web designer-developers on your next project, from plugin installations to template reskins to custom-coded website builds.

Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Feminine Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Feminine Squarestylist Support

Chloe Leonard

Creative Director + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Squarespace Template, Shopify Template, SEO Strategy , Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Photography

Nashville, Tennessee

Chloe Leonard

Nashville, Tennessee / USA
Creative Director + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Squarespace Template, Shopify Template, SEO Strategy , Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Chloe Leonard and I’m a Creative Director + Web Designer based in Nashville, Tennessee.


Outside work you will often find me songwriting, playing guitar, hiking and trying new restaurants over Nashville, TN, where I'm based.


But on a typical workday, I am usually working from my favorite coffee shop across the street from my apartment, sipping on a smoothie and an almond milk cappuccino.


My day usually starts with checking emails then heading straight into design work! When my brain is fresh :)


Most of the time I am typically working with branding, web design, and marketing design retainer clients!



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Creating my AOL username - fashion4freaks - and playing games like Club Penguin and Stardoll. IYKYK.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love custom web design because it is truly one of the most strategic solutions to a client's problems. In creating mock ups, I search for opportunities to design more flow, ease, and a more engaging, intuitive customer experience. Therefore, allowing for more sales and loyalty to a brand because of the incredible user experience.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening to one of my many Spotify playlists that just put me in the zone! On rotating now is Japanese jazz.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Feminine. Minimalist. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Pseudo elements, animations, and custom list sections to reduce scrolling and organize information better.


What makes your work standout?

Within every creative business is a powerful confident brand. And within that brand, lies a powerful brand essence.

Using our emotion and strategy-based branding and web design process, we cultivate brand essences that evoke inspired-action and authentic connection with your audience. Ultimately, sparking conversions spanning across your entire business.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

The attention to detail Rache has put into each workshop! She thinks of the little design details that make all the difference in creating a beautiful AND functional website.


What is your dream website project?

One-product e-Commerce brand - particularly in the beauty and wellness field.
Service-providers - ie. interior designers, med spas and plastic surgery centers, therapists, fitness professionals, stylists, hair salons, pilates studios.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Modern Squarestylist Support

Shannon Pruitt

Brand Strategist and Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy, Brand & Website Strategy

South Carolina, USA

Shannon Pruitt

South Carolina / USA
Brand Strategist and Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy, Brand & Website Strategy

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Shannon Pruitt and I’m a Brand Strategist and Website Designer based in South Carolina, United States of America.


Outside work you will often find me chasing my 3-year-old around, spending as much time outside as possible, and still attempting to bake the *perfect* loaf of sourdough.


But on a typical workday, I am usually up earlyyyy, spending time alone in the quiet and then working a bit before anyone else is awake in the house. Then, I enter mom-mode for a few hours before putting my Designer hat back on and knocking out a couple of hours of work...usually focused on client work, filming lots of videos so clients can watch presentations on their own time, and digging into data to make sure each project is backed by science AND style.


My day usually starts with a hot cup of coffee.


Most of the time I am working on designing a website for someone super talented.

Strategy-infused design. Finessed with style. Refined with intention.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?
Hands-down the strategy. Sunday Muse Design brands and websites don’t just look pretty. They also get results. I’m not just here to point out your problems or make assumptions. I’m here to come up with a game plan, so you can have clarity on where to actually focus your resources and time. Because the strategy is where we lay the groundwork for greatness.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Pastime? HA what's a pastime?! :) Most of my time is spent working or being a mom.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Feminine. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?
My clients love the Balanced Header and most anything involving a "sticky" element. Many also like the slide out menu or forced hamburger menu on desktop.


What makes your work standout?

Everything I do is based on strategy. We don't go into a single website project blindly. There's some level of research involved in every project - even my Intensives.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

There is so much room for creativity and flexibility within Squarespace, and it's absolutely possible to build a beautiful, responsive, and accessible site using the Standout techniques!


What is your dream website project?

I would LOVE to design a site for a public speaker as well as a website for an interior designer.

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