Alex McGinness
Alex McGinness
San Diego, CA / USA
Brand & Web Designer
Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Shopify Template, Squarespace Template, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives
Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify
Selected Work
Hi! My name is Alex McGinness and I’m a Brand & Web Designer based in San Diego, CA, USA.
Outside work you will often find me practicing yoga, journaling, pulling oracle/tarot cards, hiking and cooking(VIEW)
But on a typical workday, I am usually working on my computer brings me so much joy. (VIEW)
My day usually starts with meditation, fire cider tonic + lemon water, and journaling.
Most of the time I am working on Squarespace web and template design. I also regularly work on brand design projects. Shopify is another platform I work in as well.
What are your first memories of the Internet?
My first experiences with the internet were when I moved from Virginia to California. In order to stay connected with my classmates from the East Coast, I got all their emails. After that, I stayed connected with them through AIM, and eventually MySpace (my favorite social media platform ever.)
What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?
I LOVE to code. It's creative problem-solving. It's both a right-brained and left-brained task. I love it.
What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?
Outside of work, my biggest passion in life is cooking. You can always find me in the kitchen outside of working hours.
How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Otherworldly. Vibrant. Vintage/Retro.
Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?
Flexbox might be my favorite CSS trick I've ever learned. I use split screen sections all the time in my work, as well as sticky sections.
What makes your work standout?
The main thing about my design style that sets me apart is the process I go through in the work itself. My intuitive approach to design is my biggest unique selling point. Everything is thought out and meaningful in its own way. Everything is drawn in using my intuition and creativity. My work is art. Plain and simple.
Also, the fact that I am both a talented creative person and have strong technical development skills. When you connect with my brand, I do have a very distinct personal aesthetic. That being said, I am very open-minded when it comes to the types of design styles I take on for clients.
What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?
Carolyn Egan's Holistic Academic DevelopmentWebsite →
Natalie Brite
Website →I love this project because it showcases how a client/designer relationship can remain longstanding even after the client's personal style changes and evolves. I built this site using a template, which I learned how to create using the template module. Gemini also features a lot of split sections.
What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?
I have learned to feel more confident writing code through these programs. This was something I always wanted to get better at, but I didn't have a chance to until I enrolled in Standout Squarespace. They changed the game for me and has given me a technical leg up on other designers in my field.
What is your dream website project?
I would love to design a website for someone who has created an oracle or tarot deck. Or maybe they're a shop that sells a variety of decks and other witchy items.