

Collaborate with our Standout web designer-developers on your next project, from plugin installations to template reskins to custom-coded website builds.

Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support

Patricia Johnson

Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Photography

Los Angeles, USA

Patricia Johnson

Los Angeles / USA
Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Patricia Johnson and I’m a Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio based in Los Angeles, USA.


Outside work you will often find me teaching a yoga class, browsing vintage markets, dancing til the wee morning hours, or lounging at the pool. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually designing and/or developing Squarespace websites from my home office in LA with an iced latte in hand!


My day usually starts with a coffee walk to my nearest coffee shop


Most of the time I am working on empowering entrepreneurs to show up as their authentic selves

Patricia took our wildest dream — creating a virtual space for our community to connect and feel at home — and made it into a reality, incorporating all of our ideas into a user-friendly website woven in with the fun personality of our brand.
— Yoga Playground


What are your first memories of the Internet?

This makes me feel reeeeeeal old, but I LIVED on the internet in the 90s!
My first memory is logging on to our dial-up internet on my family's computer to play chat room card games. Not too long after that I was spending all of my free time on Neopets.
As a preteen I started designing my own websites for fun... I should have predicted that this would be my actual job over 25 years later!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love building websites because it allows me to balance both sides of my brain by being creative (design) and logical (strategy & coding).
But if I were to pick one part of the process, it would be development — I absolutely LOVE making designs come to life, it's like magic! I particularly love the problem solving aspect of coding.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening (and singing along) to late 90s R&B... literally the exact same thing I did while coding as a kid!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Playful. Bold. Vibrant.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

There are SO many good ones that it's hard to narrow down, but I especially love the Fluid Tabs workshops because they bring an elevated, interactive experience to Squarespace.


What makes your work standout?

My core belief is that authenticity is the most effective strategy in branding & marketing, because it enables you to build the meaningful connections that support you & your business.
This is what guides my work with my clients — my goal is to showcase who they are in their brand & website design, which in turn empowers them to show up authentically.
This is also what guides my own branding, as I want to build a business that's authentic to me and my goals.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Brand & website design for Radiate Wellness
I designed this newly launched wellness brand from start to finish — including brand strategy, brand identity, photography, and website design & development.
I used the Section Decor workshop to apply a background image on this website, and also used lessons from Standout to animate this section decor on scroll.
This project was incredibly rewarding for me because I managed each touchpoint of the brand design. It was very empowering to be able to see my creative vision through for the client from start to finish. This was the first big project of its kind for me, so I learned that I do have the talent, skill, and tenacity to run a successful creative business!


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

It is impossible to distill everything I have learned from Standout Squarespace into one paragraph. It improved my coding skills beyond what I ever thought possible for Squarespace, and in turn brought an incredible amount of value to my business by enabling me to offer more value to my clients *and* giving me the confidence to charge higher rates. Beyond coding, the course's business lessons helped me better understand how to run an effective creative business, from taxes to contracts to sales and everything in between. With the support of Rache's mentorship I have been able to build a profitable business that supports the life I want to lead, and that transcends monetary value. I am forever grateful.


What is your dream website project?

I love working with entrepreneurs who want to make a positive impact through their services. As long as this value is aligned, I am happy!
In the future, I would love to work with more brick & more wellness spaces so I can work on brand strategy as it relates not only to digital spaces but physical as well.

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Anita Cheung

Brand and Website Designer, Developer, Creative Consultant

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives

Vancouver, Canada

Anita Cheung

Vancouver, Canada
Brand and Website Designer, Developer, Creative Consultant

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Illustration

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Anita Cheung and I’m a Brand and Website Designer, Developer, Creative Consultant based in Vancouver, Canada


Outside work you will often find me sketching, gardening, horseback riding, surfing, reading, or watching movies. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually doing intensive client design work (which I call Snack Dates!), taking calls, or creating illustrations-- it all just depends on the day! (But always with at least two or three beverages by my side.) (VIEW)


My day usually starts with matcha latte and a stretch.


Most of the time I am working on client branding & website projects

“Working with Neets is an absolute joy! She takes the time to understand your business, vision, and clients to build a virtual space that engages your audience and fully represents your business. I love working with her and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a website that stands out & truly embodies their brand!”
— -Zachi, from Dopo Abortion Support (


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Some of my earliest memories of the internet were spent building my own webpages on geocities and asianavenue as a tween, and designing my neopet dream home.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I work in an intensive-design-day format and my FAVOURITE day is the website design day. It's where I take everything the client has shared (copy, photos, brand kit, hopes and dreams), and put it together into a functional and beautiful website mockup. From there, we spend the day going back and forth, making edits and changes in real time. It is so collaborative and incredibly rewarding to see the client's dream website be created- literally right in front of their eyes.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Does listening to ghibli music count? Whenever I need a break, I also head downstairs to my partner's office (we both work from home) for a mid-day hug.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Playful. Minimalist. Maximalist. Vibrant. Modern


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Ah, so many! But I think the good ol' split screen sticky scroll has been a go-to.


What makes your work standout?

As a libra, and a people pleaser, I've always been a bit of a chameleon-- which has really come in handy with my work. Instead of having a concrete cookie-cutter style, I like to tailor my designs for each brand and each project. With that said, my "signature" approach is to encourage my clients to infuse some delight into the design. Whether that's through scroll effects, gifs, or colour, I like to add just a touch of unexpected playfulness to everything.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Decipher Counselling
Website →
I worked with Linda, the founder of Decipher Counselling, on her brand and website design. Over the course of four days, we were able to make her vision a reality. She came to me with keywords like "nostalgia" and "dreamy", and I think the final result is exactly that! You can check it out for yourself.
Standout Workshops used: Universal Filter, and a lot of pseudo elements were used in the design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

To have fun & play with website design! I'm always thinking of "how else can we do this" in a way that feels delightful and unconventional.


What is your dream website project?

I'm currently loving minimalist websites-- minimal in terms of content, not necessarily design. Bring on the one-page websites! I think the boundary/ restraint that's needed makes it all the more interesting on a creative level.

I love the idea of a website being a portal. Providing mystery and intrigue, and just the right amount of information, so that folks are moved into action to speak with an actual human being/ continue down the path of discovering more about a business.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist Squarestylist Support

Ash Hendriks

Graphic Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives

Sydney, Australia

Ash Hendriks

Sydney / Australia
Graphic Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Brand Design, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Ash Hendriks and I’m a Graphic Designer based in Sydney, Australia.


Outside work you will often find me at the beach with my baby girl or experimenting in the kitchen.


But on a typical workday, I am usually designing, developing, creating brand identities.


My day usually starts with tea and cuddles with my 1 year old in bed.


Most of the time I am working on Website Design and Development.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Translating design to code. How code can completely transform anything and open doors to infinite possibilities.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Getting distracted with possibilities.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Minimalist. Playful.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Split Screen, CSS Grids, Lined Header


What makes your work standout?

I love brands that stand out, odd colours, geometry, minimalism but edgy. I think less is more (always) but love experimenting with design elements like typography and colour to deliver creations outside the box.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Website →This client gave me full creative control with both brand identity and website. They trusted my process and as a result there was minimal back and forth and they loved the outcome. I used many of the standout workshops including module one to discover what the client needed, setting up the website the Standout way, changing images on hover and many CSS customisations that elevated the sites design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Confidence in my ability to design and develop exceptional websites.


What is your dream website project?

Any project which allows creative freedom and pushes the boundaries.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support

Estefanny Ramirez

Co-Founder and Design Lead

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks

Quito, Ecuador

Estefanny Ramirez

Quito / Ecuador
Co-Founder and Design Lead

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Estefanny Ramirez and I’m a Co-Founder and Design Lead based in Quito, Ecuador.


Outside work you will often find me making ceramics, coloring, collaging, puzzling, talking to my plants, listening to a podcast, watching my favorite Youtubers, or traveling & eating with my partner and dog <3 (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually cleaning up my email, creating content for our studio, showing up for our online creativepreneur community, browsing design inspiration for future brand/web projects, creating mood boards for proposal presentations, and/or working on a brand development or website design project for a client. Everyday is different when you're running your own creative studio, especially when you wear many hats. (VIEW)


My day usually starts with conscious movement or meditation, a good breakfast, and a serene walk outside.


Most of the time I am working on tasks or projects that matter and have capacity for that day –things that give us a healthy return on investment, not just financially, but also emotionally, that fills our cup and our creative souls.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Googling summaries of books as soon as that was a thing, haha.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Doing the research and translating the client's personality into the website experience, making thoughtful design decisions –whether it's the navigation layout, colors, copywriting or the user-experience– I love being able to create and build something that truly represents the human behind, delivering something that client is proud of and feels connected to.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Anything from Brain Education TV videos.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Bold. Vibrant.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Summary Block, Timelines, Custom Cursor, Lined Header, Vertical Scrolling Block, CSS Grids in Sections, Text Toggles, Blog List Borders


What makes your work standout?

What makes our work standout is our intentional and collaborative approach to truly getting to know the people behind the brands we work with and bringing their voice, personality, authenticity and humanity into our creative process and the work we produce for them.

Our clients feel included and involved vs. it feeling like a one-way street type of partnership.

You also get to brag about working with an Ecuador-based creative team made up of a an Ecuadorian graphic designer, a Chinese-Jamaican art director, and a South-Korean dog-boss.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Moonlab Productions Website Redesign
A quick throwback: In 2019/20, we first redesigned MoonLab Production’s kickstart one-page starter site into a sleek and simple multi-page Squarespace website to align with their new brand direction and better present themselves to the digital world.

A couple of years later, the agency grew exponentially and approached us with a larger budget to work on another redesign that incorporated more advanced coding, custom visuals + animations and bells and whistles/hidden easter eggs. We were so excited because we’ve already set up a strong site structure and foundation to seamlessly take on this second redesign and facelift.

In addition, we were tasked with:
• crafting a new mission statement for MLP
• hosting a social media + brand storytelling workshop for their team
• creating Instagram content for the launch of the website

This redesign was focused on visual enhancements and incorporating more animations and interactions via custom coding. With our vision and the client’s needs in mind, we sketched out our ideas and created moodboards of our creative direction to ensure that we were all on the same page. Then we restructured the sitemap to include additional pages and showcase the flow of the new website.
Once we had our wireframe sketches, moodboards and sitemap completed, we did a check-in with the client to present them all of our ideas and initial thoughts for the redesign.

We used so much of the base knowledge that was gained from Standout Squarespace: on coding to rally bring our concept to life, how to maintain a clean code setup on the backend, how to ensure a site has optimal loading time, how to implement so many cool features like the side-by-side-scrolling scrolling, the vertical marquee, read more toggles and more!

Overall, I learned so much with this project, and of course from Standout, that I can't even imagine being able to execute this project without Rache's knowledge and program.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Dream bigger, charge more, appreciate the process, give yourself a system, write things down so you don’t have to think about it from scratch every time and make yourself and your business goals a priority. The way that Rache has scaled her business has inspired us to meaningfully build upon our services and creative offerings. And of course, my creative developer skills feel GREAT now –This helps me provide a more complete Squarespace website package for our clients.


What is your dream website project?

We would love to work with brands that believe in gender-neutrality or focuses on weight and body neutrality or with a not-for-profit that focuses on global impact. It would be awesome to work with people like Jameela Jamil and brands like iWeigh, or maybe a web redesign or even a branding revamp for a booming startup from Shark Tank! Being able to work with respectful, creative and open-minded clients on projects where we can explore things and create things that are bold, beautiful, functional and thoughtful. #goals

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Earthy Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Earthy Squarestylist Support

Mahsa Emami

Brand & Web Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev

Ottawa, Canada

Mahsa Emami

Ottawa / Canada
Brand & Web Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Mahsa Emami and I’m a Brand & Web Designer based in Ottawa, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me taking an urban stroll downtown to do some street photography, or in a cozy neighborhood café.


But on a typical workday, I am usually I usually wake up in the morning, get a coffee, design client work, and meet with my clients.


My day usually starts with a coffee


Most of the time I am working on client projects.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Start designing on Figma


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

My mid-coding pastime is taking short breaks to stretch, grab a coffee, and listen to some music.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Modern. Earthy.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Image Reveal on Text Hover using Image Blocks and Stylish Carousel Summary Block


What makes your work standout?

It is my commitment to minimalism, ensuring that each design is not only stylish but also elegant and modern. This approach creates clean, sophisticated visuals that capture attention and convey a sense of refined simplicity.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Learning deep code


What is your dream website project?

Improving my coding skills

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern, Romantic Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern, Romantic Squarestylist Support

Monica Gibson

Creative Director/Owner

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives

Phoenix, USA

Monica Gibson

Phoenix / USA
Creative Director / Owner

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Monica Gibson and I’m a Creative Director/Owner based in Phoenix, USA.


Outside work you will often find me traveling, trying new foods, at heated yoga, and flexing my non-digital creative muscle.


But on a typical workday, I am usually in and out of meetings, connecting with my clients, designing brands + websites, looking for inspo on non-digital platforms, and scouring social media for hidden gems.


My day usually starts with walking my dog :)


Most of the time I am working on myself! With the intention of leveling up my design and creative skills.

A creative studio that believe the odds are always in your favor.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Picking the perfect AIM name.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Translating my wireframe into a site with motion and an exciting UX.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Modern. Playful. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Anything with a gallery. I love new and exciting ways to share photos.


What makes your work standout?

My genuine love for design. I create the things I wish I saw more of in the world.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

That beauty and code not only can, but SHOULD go hand in hand.


What is your dream website project?

I love working with other creatives who aren't afraid to take bold moves and try something new. I don't have dream projects, I have dream clients. I believe I can bring all visions to life so long as I have a client who is open to being bold.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support

Avni Nijhawan

Designer, Developer, Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

San Francisco, CA

Avni Nijhawan

San Francisco, CA / USA
Designer, Developer, Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Avni Nijhawan and I’m a Designer, Developer, Creative Director based in San Francisco, CA


Outside work you will often find me playing piano, learning languages, dying at bootcamp, or on a picnic in Golden Gate Park.


But on a typical workday, I am usually at my computer with coffee and a cookie.


My day usually starts with coffee.


Most of the time I am working on putting ideas together!

We help innovative brands hellbent on change sparkle online.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Ask Jeeves, Neopets, Xanga, MySpace, Geocities, AIM, Yahoo


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Becoming the catalyst for the vision; helping clients better know what they're looking for and ultimately bringing it to life through our collaboration


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Giving my cat Boba cuddles :)


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Modern. Playful. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Custom menus, custom headers, animations on scroll,


What makes your work standout?

The name of the game is *memorable websites that share your story.* If you work with us, you're not going to get a cookie cutter design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Knowing how to code opens up an entire new world of design possibilities!


What is your dream website project?

I would love to work with a brand working on a truly unique, perhaps aspirational product that makes the world a better place — lab-grown meat brand UPSIDE Foods comes to mind!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Feminine Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Feminine Squarestylist Support

Michelle Pontvert

Designer & Digital Product Creator

Design and Strategy Intensives, SEO Strategy, Squarespace Template

Paris, France

Michelle Pontvert

Paris / France
Designer & Digital Product Creator

Design and Strategy Intensives, SEO Strategy, Squarespace Template

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Michelle Pontvert and I’m a Designer & Digital Product Creator based in Paris, France.


Outside work you will often find me tinkering with my Notion templates or hanging out with my son munching on a local croissant.


But on a typical workday, I am usually mixing my design expertise with my digital marketing obsession to create practical, actionable templates for my fellow online course creators & digital product shops


My day usually starts with coffee and a kitty cuddle.


Most of the time I am working on creating my latest template.

Strategic simplicity & user-focused design never go out of style


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love translating templates to match your specific brand and style. Bringing your unique vision to life with strategic simplicity that never goes out of style.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

A leisurely stroll through my local Parisian streets always gets my creative juices flowing.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Feminine.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I love balancing a larger navigation with the Pseudo Secondary Navigation workshop and customizing a Squarespace course with the Member Area Side Navigation workshop.


What makes your work standout?

Strategic simplicity and a focus on user experience & SEO paired with elegant design


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Building out my fellow designer Kate Scott's stunning website with tons of custom code and creative layouts was a huge but incredibly fulfilling project.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Taking code beyond functional changes and bringing my creative vision to life


What is your dream website project?

I love customizing website templates with a beautiful professional brand. While I'm more than happy to create you a simple visual identity there's something so creatively fun and fulfilling brining anther brand designer's vision to life on a site.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support

Taryn Himmelright

Founder/Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Squarespace Template


Taryn Himmelright

Founder / Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Squarespace Template

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Taryn Himmelright and I’m a Founder/Web Designer based in Germany.


Outside work you will often find me walking my dog, biking around the city, traveling around Europe, reading a good book, or enjoying a glass of wine with my husband.


But on a typical workday, I am usually refining my templates (with tutorials, updates, and marketing!) or designing template restyles.


My day usually starts with coffee and yoga.


Most of the time I am working on templates! 💙



What are your first memories of the Internet?

I created my first website for fun using HTML in 1999 to announce the birth of my son! I was young and full of crazy ambition!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

When creating a template, I love finding inspiration from a destination and turning that into a strategic design and incorporating a few fun standout features to make it unique. It’s the best adding code to a site and watching the magic happen!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Learning and creating fun things with CSS!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Minimalist. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Sticky sections and scrolling. I also tend to use a unique header/navigation feature.


What makes your work standout?

Templates inspired by destinations as hidden gems to empower solopreneurs/small businesses to find calm in the chaos of creating their own unique online dream destination.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

The best decision I made in my business hands down was Standout Squarespace! Learning standout coding skills and styles through fun projects with the best support to running a web design studio with all the templates, including what became my favorite project management tool — Notion!


What is your dream website project?

To design a website for a holiday destination, retreat, or really anything travel related!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Masculine, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Masculine, Modern Squarestylist Support

Mikka Cruz

Founder & Lead Developer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy

Manila, Philippines

Mikka Cruz

Manila / Philippines
Founder & Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Mikka Cruz and I’m a Founder & Lead Developer based in Manila, Philippines.


Outside work you will often find me playing boardgames, watching series (kdramas or Survivor/Amazing Race) or spending time with family


But on a typical workday, I am usually stuck to my computer


My day usually starts with listing my to-do's


Most of the time I am working on building websites!

Building impactful websites with no limit on revisions.


What are your first memories of the Internet?



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love translating designs to code!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening to Kpop music


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Masculine. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Stylish Vertical Tabs, Gallery Logo Marquee


What makes your work standout?

I take pride on offering unlimited revisions to every project to ensure that my clients are fully satisfied with the website I provide.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

My biggest takeaways from Standout Squarespace are the basics but most useful -- identifying the correct selectors and learning how to troubleshoot a website issue.


What is your dream website project?

My dream website project is to work with a huge non-profit organization and help build an impactful website.

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Aimee Molesworth

Wedding Marketing Agency

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Photography

Sydney, Australia

Aimee Molesworth

Sydney / Australia
Business Director of a Wedding Marketing Agency

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Aimee Molesworth and I’m the Business Director of a Wedding Marketing Agency based in Sydney, Australia.


Outside work you will often find us at the beach, at a cafe getting lunch, dining at a boujee restaurant, running a marathon, or growing our organic farm.


But on a typical workday, I am usually at a cafe enjoying coffee, collaborating with the team and sometimes you will find us at a content shoot.


My day usually starts with coffee.


Most of the time I am working on branding and websites.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love transforming a design from prototype to code, figuring out the best practices and processes to ensure the project runs smoothly and working with clients to bring there dream to life.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Definitely a killer playlist, Coffee and some sort of sweets.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Romantic. Editorial. Minimalist. Feminine. Modern


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I often incorporate the Mega Menu into websites because it adds a unique touch and offers endless design possibilities.


What makes your work standout?

We are a premier wedding marketing agency specialising in wedding branding and web design. Our extensive knowledge in the wedding industry sets us apart.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

The Standout program has greatly enhanced my ability to think on my feet and elevate my coding skills to new heights. I find it to be an invaluable source of support.


What is your dream website project?

My dream website project would be for a florist. Working with stunning images of flowers on such a project would be an absolute pleasure.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Retro, Creative Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Retro, Creative Squarestylist Support

Claire Allen

Website, Print, and Branding Designer, Helle Creative

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev

Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Claire Allen

Asheville, North Carolina / USA
Website, Print, and Branding Designer
Helle Creative

Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Claire Allen and I’m a Website, Print, and Branding Designer based in Asheville, North Carolina, USA.


Outside work you will often find me at the barn with my horse, enjoying lap time with one (or both) of my two cats, or planning our next travel adventure.


But on a typical workday, I am usually helping my clients get excited about their businesses with thoughtful, stunning + effective graphic design that is uniquely suited to their needs; probably with a cat on my lap then too!


My day usually starts with coffee.


Most of the time I am working on branding, custom Squarespace websites, and print design projects

Crafting notice-worthy brands, websites + more for creatives + creators that you can’t wait to share.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love both the design and development phases on building websites, but one of my favorite parts of the process is seeing how, through the process of thinking through their site, my clients often get to see their business in a new way, identify new opportunities, and get excited about what they do all over again. A new website can (and should) be so much more than "just" a website for a new, growing, or established business.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Quick little mid-coding dance to Iggy Pop's The Passenger or Chappell Roan's Pink Pony Club at my desk.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Bold. Vintage/Retro. Creative.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

It varies from project to project. I typically don't cut and paste a similar style or technique between different sites. Each project has a specific goal and a personalized story, meaning every final product is ultimately unique. As a member of the first Standout class ever offered, I've found that Standout solutions are all adaptable and my use of the skills learned in the course have evolved over the years.


What makes your work standout?

No design decision is made without careful thought rooted in strategy. I don't chase trends and I don't design sites on a whim. I ask the right questions of my clients and engage in a collaborative process with them to ensure the final product is effective and representative of how their business should be seen.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Standout doesn't need to represent a specific look or style, it's about thinking outside the box, knowing the platform and the code well enough to know how to push the boundaries of your designs, and coming up with creative and intuitive solutions in both design and development. I don't design sites with the intention of replicating the course's style or someone else's work, but rather use the tools from the course to create something entirely unexpected.


What is your dream website project?

Current dream industries include classical music, travel, food and beverage, equestrian businesses, and more. I work with a wide range of industries, and I can honestly say that each new project is always an educational and inspirational adventure.

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Anjuli Garcia

Founder & Creative Director

Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev

Houston, TX

Anjuli Garcia

Houston, TX / USA
Founder & Creative Director

Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Anjuli Garcia and I’m a Founder & Creative Director based in Houston, TX.


Outside work you will often find me… To stay balanced and recharged, I enjoy watching movies, jamming to concerts, being a foodie, nature bathing, and being present for friends and family.


But on a typical workday, I am usually on Figma or Adobe designing brands and websites!


My day usually starts with checking on emails and daily overview in Notion.


Most of the time I am working on brand and web projects!

Studio Junk is a black-led brand and web design studio that creates authentic brand experiences for thoughtful businesses committed to social good. We believe social impact can exist in many forms! Our creative genius infuses soul and purpose into every touchpoint to give you a fresh brand that deeply connects with communities and beyond. Currently, we are amplifying our efforts to work with local brands and the younger generations who are passionate about community.

Our work has been featured in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Forbes and the MOCA- LA just to name a few. And we are excited to announce we have been honored as Goldman Sachs: Black In Business alumni.

We can see you’re a fellow visionary who likes to shake things up within your business, and Studio Junk is here for it. Let’s bring the same energy to spread social good 🤟🏾!


What are your first memories of the Internet?

AOL and dial-up!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love getting creative direction to guide my UI/UX process when building websites.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

My mid-coding pastimes include walking my dogs, singing, chatting in creative communities, and enjoying good food.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Maximalist. Bold. Earthy. Vintage/Retro.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

So hard to pick, but anything that makes summary blocks look different! Also, anything that stacks!


What makes your work standout?

My design infuses a very expressive approach that combines creativity and authenticity.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

First, take the time to learn and master the foundations! Secondly, learning in a community setting really propels your growth vs. working alone. Lastly, RACHE IS A GENIUS!


What is your dream website project?

I would love to work on music festival or an event advocating for climate activism. Another one would a be a LGBTQ+ brand!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Whimsical, Feminine Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Whimsical, Feminine Squarestylist Support

Rebecca Giger

Creative Studio Owner & Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Shopify Design and Dev


Rebecca Giger

Creative Studio Owner & Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Shopify Design and Dev

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Rebecca Giger and I’m a Creative Studio Owner & Web Designer based in Switzerland


Outside work you will often find me reading, roaming through a forest, feeding my love for historic & vintage fashion, admiring Old Master paintings or dreaming about renovating an old house.


But on a typical workday, I am usually deeply focused on bringing a delightful, calm experience to my clients.


My day usually starts with a cup of coffee and watching sunrise with my partner.


Most of the time I am working on creating enchanting one-week websites for artisans, makers and design-focused brands.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

The loading sound of the modem and clunky, uncreative websites


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Taking designs from mock-up to fully developed site still gives me such a thrill.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Giving my body and mind a break with a 20 minute yin stretch.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Whimsical. Feminine.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Subtle animations and hover effects


What makes your work standout?

I believe in the potential and magic of connecting the digital space with the workshops, ateliers and studios of artisans and makers.
Not only can it be a tool to bring the transformative power of craft to more people, it can also help preserve and make flourish traditional skills and empower the small businesses who practice them.
As a former small product-based business owner myself, understand the struggles of my clients when it comes to setting up an authentic online presence and it allows me to provide them with a more tailored experience.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Mastery comes through constant practice


What is your dream website project?

E-commerce or online catalogue for a Swiss or Indonesian artisinal brand

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist Squarestylist Support

Rebekah Hayward

Designer & Developer, Founder of Studio Kanuka

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, SEO Strategy, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Auckland, New Zealand

Rebekah Hayward

Auckland / New Zealand
Designer & Developer, Founder of Studio Kanuka

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, SEO Strategy, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Rebekah Hayward and I’m a Designer & Developer, Founder of Studio Kanuka based in Auckland, New Zealand.


Outside work you will often find me outside in nature (usually at the beach or on a forest walk), making pottery, learning to surf, reading and finding inspo (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually working in a sunny corner of my home with some lo-fi or chill music in the background for the morning and then away from my desk for the afternoon - it's all about balance! (VIEW)


My day usually starts with taking my son to school and a workout.


Most of the time I am working on designing modern, meaningful brand identities and websites for wellness and lifestyle brands.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

I loved finding ways to turn my illustrations into custom t-shirts and merchandise


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Seeing our client's confidence in themselves and their business skyrocket as they see their brand and website come to life and have us cheering them on as their biggest supporters


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Playing The Office, Schitt's Creek or Parks and Rec in the background is a favourite when I'm deep in coding a website


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Minimalist. Bold.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Sticky Scrolling and other scroll or hover-based effects, I also love using custom Gallery Slideshows to create visual interest


What makes your work standout?

I'm all about getting to know you. I believe in the power of truly tailoring our strategy so that we can wholeheartedly embrace what makes you truly unique, and share that message in a way that will resonate with your ideal audience on a deeper level.
That’s why I only work with -
Businesses with a higher purpose.
Founders who align with our core values.
Brands that are making a difference in the world.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Website →The project started with deep strategy for a niche market and involved a different vibe and voice than many of my other projects, the brand identity needed to be strong and bold yet simple and then I moved onto the website where all the elements came together. I used Text Carousel Testimonial, Slide-out Menu, Autoplaying Slideshow using Gallery Sections, Word on Scroll. I learned some fun new techniques and am releasing a template soon based on this design!


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

I have learnt to design and code better, smarter and more efficiently. My processes are much smoother, I push more boundaries with design and offer higher value to my clients


What is your dream website project?

A clean, sustainable skincare or beauty brand who is ready to make an impact with their unique approach!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support

Katie Sears

Brand + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Photography

Atlanta, GA

Katie Sears

Atlanta, GA / USA
Brand + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Katie Sears and I’m a Brand + Web Designer based in Atlanta, GA.


Outside work you will often find me working...but I'm working on that.
You'll also find me:
- Reading in the park
- Cooking and drinking wine with my twin sister
- Hanging out with my grandad
- Thrifting online or in person (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I like to make the part of the morning where I have my coffee and I'm just doing a little creative work last as long as possible before I check my email. Then I usually interact with humans - clients, fellow creatives, or my sister in the afternoon.


My day usually starts with making the bed. It helps me feel sane.


Most of the time I am working on brand and web design. It never stops and I don't want it to. I love what I do.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

I distinctly remember the dial-up tone on the family computer sitting in a "den" covered in 70's orange wood paneling. And I also have fond memories of playing the Disney Channel online games at my grandparent's house.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Getting to be "Type A" and a creative at the same time. Websites should be predictable to some extent and use patterns to make visitors feel at ease. At the same time, within that structure, a site should be innovative and surprising enough to keep people's attention.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

I feel that napping is an integral part of the coding process.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Modern. Playful.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Learning flexbox unlocked something in my brain. I use it to customize the header navigation in a lot of my sites. But learning to scope sections so I can preset different layouts for my clients is what I use nonstop.


What makes your work standout?

I have a photographer on staff.
I have amazing copywriters in my back pocket.
As a designer, I can clear away the clutter and create a site that feels effortless.
Everything that makes it onto my websites serves a purpose.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Brilliant Escapes
A client project including brand, web, and photography for a luxury travel planner
We recommended a copywriter for the client. Then we built a brand suite, captured portrait and lifestyle photography, and then brought everything together in a stunning website. We leaned on our tried and true systems — steady meetings, email reminders, and guided client forms to keep a complex project organized.
As far as what I used from Standout Squarespace, sometimes it's hard to recall because Rache really empowers us to be intuitive developers. If pressed, I'd say scoping, responsiveness, and type style setup.
This project was supposed to be a template restyle and we purchased a template from another designer but I learned that I have a hard time with limitations and ended up basically building a site from scratch to fit my desire for an easy-to-edit site.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Rache really covers so much ground. She teaches designers to create in their own way and gives them the technical know-how to do it. Standout programs are the highest quality courses I've ever encountered.


What is your dream website project?

Design for an up-and-coming foodie.
I want to create a site for the next Sohla El-Waylly, Matty Matheson or Alison Roman.
I love food. My twin sis would be doing the photography, obviously, and I'd build a site that was easy to update and visually stunning.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Otherworldly Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Otherworldly Squarestylist Support

Joy Yiu

Web Designer / Developer / Co-founder of Hello-World

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Shopify Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Brand Design

Vancouver, Canada

Joy Yiu

Vancouver / Canada
Web Designer / Developer / Co-founder of Hello-World

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Joy Yiu and I’m a Web Designer / Developer / Co-founder of Hello-World based in Vancouver, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me drinking matcha lattes, eating nigiri, or watching kdramas.


But on a typical workday, I am usually dreaming big for Hello-World.


My day usually starts with exercising and a Mindset Mentor podcast episode.


Most of the time I am working on a lot of things -- design wireframes, coding, and growing Hello-World.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

My dad created an email address for me (hellokitty_555@...) and I played the Lion King game in the 90s.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love it all, but the best feeling is seeing a client's dream come to life with their new website. When they're over the moon, that makes all the hard work pay off. Also, pushing the creative boundaries one project at a time is incredibly rewarding.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening to my Spotify on shuffle. I have over 1k songs lol, but it keeps me going and focused. Occasionally, I'll switch it up with one of my favourite DJs, ANNDJ; her playlists are everything.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Otherworldly. Playful.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Many clients really enjoy the immersive movable blocks feature. It's playful and innovative. Check out the dinner party below:


What makes your work standout?

I approach design with curiosity and a lighthearted attitude. I constantly push my creative boundaries by experimenting with new ideas, which I love bouncing off my business partner, Reyna Dashefsky.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Maintaining a beginner's mindset is crucial. Despite designing and developing sites for many years, I still find myself learning daily, which is very cool.
If you put in the work, you are worthy of all your dreams and goals. You'll look back and surprise yourself.


What is your dream website project?

Designing and building out a site for a South Korean girl group like Blackpink or NewJeans.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Vibrant Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Vibrant Squarestylist Support

Amy Fang

Shopify Web Designer

Shopify Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Shopify Template, Design and Strategy Intensives

Miami, FL, USA | Lima, Perú

Amy Fang

Miami, FL, USA | Lima, Perú
Shopify Web Designer

Shopify Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Shopify Template, Design and Strategy Intensives

Course Taken
Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Amy Fang and I’m a Shopify Web Designer based in Miami, FL, USA | Lima, Perú.


Outside work you will often find me watching K-dramas and animes, reading self-development books, or baking and eating desserts.


But on a typical workday, I am usually creating new layouts and looking for inspiration to design my next Shopify website and amaze my clients!


My day usually starts with a cup of tea in my favorite cup, and a simple skin care routine.


Most of the time I am working on Shopify creating the dream website for my client or on intensive 1-week projects.

From our first meeting until the day we deliver your new site, our goal will be to create a website that increases your sales possibilities and makes your customers fall in love with your brand even more.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Is it when designing and creating mockups.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening to music or doodling on a piece of paper.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Modern. Playful. Vibrant. Bold.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Exploring all the possibilities with the power section! I love incorporating it into all of my projects multiple times.


What makes your work standout?

Is designing a website in collaboration with the client so they can feel confident about selling! I believe that everyone deserves something special for their business and tech and design stuff shouldn't stop anyone from achieving their goals and dreams.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

That coding can be fun and not as scary as you may think. And that the layout you wanted can be just a few lines of code away from you.


What is your dream website project?

My dream projects are anything related to pottery brands. So if you are one and you are looking for a web designer to partner with, I would love to help you make your vision come to life!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Modern Squarestylist Support

Briana Summers


Brand Design, Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives

Des Moines, Iowa

Briana Summers

Des Moines, Iowa / USA

Brand Design, Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Briana Summers and I’m an Owner based in Des Moines, Iowa


Outside work you will often find me drinking margaritas, exploring my city with my daughter Navy and husband Joe, walking my two cavapoos Pickles and Tito, listening to a podcast, or working on my next painting. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually slacking with my team, sketching new ideas, or working on our next client branding project. (VIEW)


My day usually starts with iced coffee.


Most of the time I am working on all things branding.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Designing my Myspace layouts and chatting with my friends on AOL instant messenger after school


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love bringing a brand to life through a digital home. There's something so rewarding about exploring new typographic layouts or trying out a new kind of code and seeing it work in real life. Happy clients whose lives and businesses have changed after working with us is what keeps me going!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening to a podcast!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Feminine. Playful. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I'm a big fan of vertical tabs.


What makes your work standout?

I love to bring in a hand-drawn aesthetic to all of my work. Whether it's a texture I painted, an illustration I sketched, or a piece of lettering I wrote on my iPad, I think there's something unique about handmade elements in our digital world.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Lucie Fink
I worked with Lucie on revamping her brand identity and website. She was on a boring Squarespace template and her goal was to have a place where she was proud to send potential collaborations and house all of her content. She needed a brand and website that reflected her and her fun, colorful aesthetic.
We used the moodboard plug-in to show off Lucie's creative style and provide an interactive component to her audience.
I learned how to use summary blocks and blogs to load all of her content. Lucie shares her videos across all different platforms and we needed to find a way to make it easy for her audience to find.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

It's a goldmine of information! I used to Google my way through my business, specifically when it comes to web design. Now, if I'm ever stuck on anything in the development process, I pop over to the community and course and can more than likely find what I'm looking for. I also love how up-to-date the Standout programs remain in our ever-changing world.


What is your dream website project?

I have SO many! I'd love to work with a large, well-known brand that I admire on a Shopify overhaul. A brand that comes to mind is Show Me Your Mumu!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support

Ruth Gaunt

Squarespace Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives

London, UK

Ruth Gaunt

London / UK
Squarespace Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Ruth Gaunt and I’m a Squarespace Web Designer based in London, UK.


Outside work you will often find me hanging out with my two little boys, enjoying a vodka martini with my husband or spending time outdoors with our French Bulldog, Betty. Although I'm a bit of a home bird, I also love travelling, exploring new Cities and immersing myself in different cultures. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually working with small and solo business owners, helping them create a website they are proud to direct clients to. This could be through a half or full-day website intensive, or by providing ad-hoc design support. I also work with a fitness design studio in the US so most days I will be working on either a home page design or an interior page build-out for them. (VIEW)


My day usually starts with coffee!


Most of the time I am working on a one day website launch.

Your business wasn’t built in a day—but your website can be.

If designing a high-converting website feels like you’re trying to paint the Sistine Chapel blindfolded, you’re in the right place. You’ve put in the hours to build and grow a thriving business, not to be bogged down by font dilemmas, SEO mambo-jumbo and tech stuff, am I right? You need a website that mirrors your expertise, fits your budget, and is ready to launch, like, yesterday.

The good news? That’s just my speciality.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

MSN Messenger!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

It's amazing to witness websites being brought to life. From a simple collection of text and images, they transform into a full-fledged online platform for businesses. The joy and pride that clients show when they see their new website, ready to be shared with the world and the realisation that they have transitioned from a hobby to a legitimate business is truly priceless!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Maribou State on repeat!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Monochrome. Minimalist. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I love everything to do with auto-list layouts! The footer reveal code snippet is also one of my favourite subtle customisations.


What makes your work standout?

My work is faff-free. I favour sleek and user-friendly designs, especially the editorial or Scandi style. In addition, I ensure that my working methods are straightforward and stress-free for my clients.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Code and customisations don't have to be complicated and complex. Using the code library, and a template starting point of my most commonly used code snippets it's 100% achievable to create a custom website for clients in one day.


What is your dream website project?

I LOVE working with photographers and interior designers. Both these industries have amazing imagery that needs to be the focus of a website, and this works really well with my design style.

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