Elevate your expertise on web design, development, and business with the most comprehensive & supportive course suite for Squarespace & Shopify.

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Standout Shopify


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starts at $1497

Become a Shopify Expert.

Become a Shopify Expert. Design & develop virtual storefronts that stand out from the digital crowd—and send ideal high-ticket clients knocking at your door. This is the most comprehensive and most supportive Shopify course and community that will enable you to create stunning storefronts your clients & their customers would leave 5★ for.

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Business Squarestylist Support Business Squarestylist Support

Design Intensives for Web Designers


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Offer VIP Days and Intensives

Wondering if you'd like to offer VIP days as a Squarespace designer & developer? Let this workshop serve as your crash course for the typical structure, best practices, and everything else you need to know about day intensives—and how they differ from fully custom services.

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Business Squarestylist Support Business Squarestylist Support

Pricing Shopify


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Profitably price your design offers

Setting your prices can feel like guesswork, but it’s still possible to create a system that both honors your time and respects your client’s constraints. Let’s arrange an e-commerce offer suite based on your level of support so you could start meeting them where they are.

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