

Collaborate with our Standout web designer-developers on your next project, from plugin installations to template reskins to custom-coded website builds.

Nathalie Chikhi

Founder, Designer and Artist

Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Photography

Fort Worth, TX

Nathalie Chikhi

Fort Worth Area / USA
Founder, Designer and Artist

Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Nathalie Chikhi and I’m a Founder, Designer and Artist based in Fort Worth Area, USA.


Outside work you will often find me spending quality time with my daughter and husband.


But on a typical workday, I am usually creating new original works in my art studio.


My day usually starts with working out.


Most of the time I am working on design and art.

Intuition is what guides my creative process. Organically nurturing my imagination, always.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Well, I remember of my first website using dreamweaver. It was the inception of the internet ;-)


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love creating brand from the ground up, it is challenging and intimidating at the same time, but I am excited to capture the essence of the client and uncover the right visual signature for my client's brand.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Drinking coffee and going for a walk.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Minimalist. Maximalist. Playful. Futuristic. Modern. Bold.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Font customization


What makes your work standout?

Creativity, design and creative vision.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Make it possible to personalize a solid platform such as Squarespace.


What is your dream website project?

Work for a Fashion brand, with a solid team of designer, photographer, stylist and videographer and dev.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Earthy, Refined, Retro Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Earthy, Refined, Retro Squarestylist Support

Nenah Bondi

Brand & Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Photography, Brand Design

Portland, Oregon

Nenah Bondi

Portland, Oregon
Brand & Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Photography, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Nenah Bondi and I’m a Brand & Website Designer based in Portland, Oregon


Outside work you will often find me sleeping, cooking plant-based meals, and noodling around with music synthesizers.


But on a typical workday, I am usually immersed in inspiring brand & website projects for ambitious women


My day usually starts with snuggling.


Most of the time I am working on organizing, prioritizing, and creating.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Coding MySpace profiles for myself and all my friends!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

You receive a personalized, down-to-earth experience and an elevated website that help you expand and attract the kinds of connections and opportunities you're looking for. ✨


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Delicious little snacks - dried mango, blueberry kombucha, pistachios, mmmmmm.....


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Feminine. Earthy. Vintage/Retro.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Split Sections, Sticky Sections and Animate on Scroll


What makes your work standout?

I have a unique blend of artistic and technical balance, so I not only envision unique and beautiful designs, but I can also execute them in a technically advanced way.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Website →My favorite website i've ever built is my own website. I started with brand strategy to clarity my audience and my offers, and then I created a sitemap and wireframe. From there, I designed the website on Figma and then developed it in Squarespace. I used more Standout techniques than I can count, including moveable blocks, split sections, sticky sections, images on hover, timelines, Flodesk integrations, and more.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

So much can be learned when you have access to clear, well-organized resources and a responsive, supportive community.


What is your dream website project?

I'd love to create a website for a popular music artist! I'd also love to develop a brand for a flower farmer.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant, Earthy Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant, Earthy Squarestylist Support

Agnes Koller

Owner & Creative Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy, Photography, Brand Design

New Brunswick, Canada

Agnes Koller

New Brunswick / Canada
Owner & Creative Designer, Fig Design

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Illustration, Graphic Design, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Agnes Koller and I’m an Owner & Creative Designer based in New Brunswick, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me in sunny wildflower-filled meadows, digging in the garden, or walking barefoot on the beach. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually working in my home office with a big mug of herbal tea and the window open to outside breezes.


My day usually starts with getting some morning sun and making tea, catching up with client emails.


Most of the time I am working on branding and website design projects, interspersed with creating print collatoral for clients.

The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper
— EB Yeats


What are your first memories of the Internet?

I still vaguely remember the days of dial-up modems, waiting patiently for Netscape Navigator to load to check out new releases on the Blockbuster website.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love the process of helping bring an idea to life by helping clients work through the brand and website strategy process. Designing mock-ups and refining them is always a lot of fun. It's the creative part of design that I enjoy the most.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

I take frequent movement breaks and enjoy walks in the sunshine--they're re-energizing and great for sparking new ideas.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Vibrant. Playful. Earthy.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Among my favourite Standout workshops are "Styling the Scrolling Block", "Shape Block Borders + Saved Sections", "Sideways Text" and "Stylish Carousel Summary Block".


What makes your work standout?

My work stands out in how well it captures the essence of each individual client, while staying true to my timeless, rich styling. For me, it's not about being trendy, it's about being authentic and honest.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Standout exemplifies the idea that you're only limited by your imagination. Connecting with a community of talented creatives is a great way to expand knowledge and grow as a designer.


What is your dream website project?

I've always loved horses--their grace and beauty. I'd really enjoy creating a website for a horse rescue or farm that offers therapeutic horse-related services. Capturing the essence of the horses in a website would be a lovely experience.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support

Patricia Johnson

Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Photography

Los Angeles, USA

Patricia Johnson

Los Angeles / USA
Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Patricia Johnson and I’m a Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio based in Los Angeles, USA.


Outside work you will often find me teaching a yoga class, browsing vintage markets, dancing til the wee morning hours, or lounging at the pool. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually designing and/or developing Squarespace websites from my home office in LA with an iced latte in hand!


My day usually starts with a coffee walk to my nearest coffee shop


Most of the time I am working on empowering entrepreneurs to show up as their authentic selves

Patricia took our wildest dream — creating a virtual space for our community to connect and feel at home — and made it into a reality, incorporating all of our ideas into a user-friendly website woven in with the fun personality of our brand.
— Yoga Playground


What are your first memories of the Internet?

This makes me feel reeeeeeal old, but I LIVED on the internet in the 90s!
My first memory is logging on to our dial-up internet on my family's computer to play chat room card games. Not too long after that I was spending all of my free time on Neopets.
As a preteen I started designing my own websites for fun... I should have predicted that this would be my actual job over 25 years later!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love building websites because it allows me to balance both sides of my brain by being creative (design) and logical (strategy & coding).
But if I were to pick one part of the process, it would be development — I absolutely LOVE making designs come to life, it's like magic! I particularly love the problem solving aspect of coding.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening (and singing along) to late 90s R&B... literally the exact same thing I did while coding as a kid!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Playful. Bold. Vibrant.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

There are SO many good ones that it's hard to narrow down, but I especially love the Fluid Tabs workshops because they bring an elevated, interactive experience to Squarespace.


What makes your work standout?

My core belief is that authenticity is the most effective strategy in branding & marketing, because it enables you to build the meaningful connections that support you & your business.
This is what guides my work with my clients — my goal is to showcase who they are in their brand & website design, which in turn empowers them to show up authentically.
This is also what guides my own branding, as I want to build a business that's authentic to me and my goals.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Brand & website design for Radiate Wellness
I designed this newly launched wellness brand from start to finish — including brand strategy, brand identity, photography, and website design & development.
I used the Section Decor workshop to apply a background image on this website, and also used lessons from Standout to animate this section decor on scroll.
This project was incredibly rewarding for me because I managed each touchpoint of the brand design. It was very empowering to be able to see my creative vision through for the client from start to finish. This was the first big project of its kind for me, so I learned that I do have the talent, skill, and tenacity to run a successful creative business!


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

It is impossible to distill everything I have learned from Standout Squarespace into one paragraph. It improved my coding skills beyond what I ever thought possible for Squarespace, and in turn brought an incredible amount of value to my business by enabling me to offer more value to my clients *and* giving me the confidence to charge higher rates. Beyond coding, the course's business lessons helped me better understand how to run an effective creative business, from taxes to contracts to sales and everything in between. With the support of Rache's mentorship I have been able to build a profitable business that supports the life I want to lead, and that transcends monetary value. I am forever grateful.


What is your dream website project?

I love working with entrepreneurs who want to make a positive impact through their services. As long as this value is aligned, I am happy!
In the future, I would love to work with more brick & more wellness spaces so I can work on brand strategy as it relates not only to digital spaces but physical as well.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support

Avni Nijhawan

Designer, Developer, Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

San Francisco, CA

Avni Nijhawan

San Francisco, CA / USA
Designer, Developer, Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Avni Nijhawan and I’m a Designer, Developer, Creative Director based in San Francisco, CA


Outside work you will often find me playing piano, learning languages, dying at bootcamp, or on a picnic in Golden Gate Park.


But on a typical workday, I am usually at my computer with coffee and a cookie.


My day usually starts with coffee.


Most of the time I am working on putting ideas together!

We help innovative brands hellbent on change sparkle online.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Ask Jeeves, Neopets, Xanga, MySpace, Geocities, AIM, Yahoo


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Becoming the catalyst for the vision; helping clients better know what they're looking for and ultimately bringing it to life through our collaboration


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Giving my cat Boba cuddles :)


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Modern. Playful. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Custom menus, custom headers, animations on scroll,


What makes your work standout?

The name of the game is *memorable websites that share your story.* If you work with us, you're not going to get a cookie cutter design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Knowing how to code opens up an entire new world of design possibilities!


What is your dream website project?

I would love to work with a brand working on a truly unique, perhaps aspirational product that makes the world a better place — lab-grown meat brand UPSIDE Foods comes to mind!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern Squarestylist Support

Katie Sears

Brand + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Photography

Atlanta, GA

Katie Sears

Atlanta, GA / USA
Brand + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Katie Sears and I’m a Brand + Web Designer based in Atlanta, GA.


Outside work you will often find me working...but I'm working on that.
You'll also find me:
- Reading in the park
- Cooking and drinking wine with my twin sister
- Hanging out with my grandad
- Thrifting online or in person (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I like to make the part of the morning where I have my coffee and I'm just doing a little creative work last as long as possible before I check my email. Then I usually interact with humans - clients, fellow creatives, or my sister in the afternoon.


My day usually starts with making the bed. It helps me feel sane.


Most of the time I am working on brand and web design. It never stops and I don't want it to. I love what I do.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

I distinctly remember the dial-up tone on the family computer sitting in a "den" covered in 70's orange wood paneling. And I also have fond memories of playing the Disney Channel online games at my grandparent's house.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Getting to be "Type A" and a creative at the same time. Websites should be predictable to some extent and use patterns to make visitors feel at ease. At the same time, within that structure, a site should be innovative and surprising enough to keep people's attention.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

I feel that napping is an integral part of the coding process.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Modern. Playful.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Learning flexbox unlocked something in my brain. I use it to customize the header navigation in a lot of my sites. But learning to scope sections so I can preset different layouts for my clients is what I use nonstop.


What makes your work standout?

I have a photographer on staff.
I have amazing copywriters in my back pocket.
As a designer, I can clear away the clutter and create a site that feels effortless.
Everything that makes it onto my websites serves a purpose.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Brilliant Escapes
A client project including brand, web, and photography for a luxury travel planner
We recommended a copywriter for the client. Then we built a brand suite, captured portrait and lifestyle photography, and then brought everything together in a stunning website. We leaned on our tried and true systems — steady meetings, email reminders, and guided client forms to keep a complex project organized.
As far as what I used from Standout Squarespace, sometimes it's hard to recall because Rache really empowers us to be intuitive developers. If pressed, I'd say scoping, responsiveness, and type style setup.
This project was supposed to be a template restyle and we purchased a template from another designer but I learned that I have a hard time with limitations and ended up basically building a site from scratch to fit my desire for an easy-to-edit site.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Rache really covers so much ground. She teaches designers to create in their own way and gives them the technical know-how to do it. Standout programs are the highest quality courses I've ever encountered.


What is your dream website project?

Design for an up-and-coming foodie.
I want to create a site for the next Sohla El-Waylly, Matty Matheson or Alison Roman.
I love food. My twin sis would be doing the photography, obviously, and I'd build a site that was easy to update and visually stunning.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Feminine, Earthy Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Feminine, Earthy Squarestylist Support

Kseniia Kuzmenko

Shopify & Webflow Web-Designer

Shopify Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Photography, Brand Design, Shopify Template

Vilnius, Lithuania

Kseniia Kuzmenko

Vilnius / Lithuania
Shopify & Webflow Web-Designer

Shopify Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Photography, Brand Design, Shopify Template

Course Taken
Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Kseniia Kuzmenko and I’m a Shopify & Webflow Web-Designer based in Vilnius, Lithuania.


Outside work you will often find me spending time in nature with my husband and our amazing dog.(VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually working or improving my design skills :)


My day usually starts with meditation and exercises for my back.


Most of the time I am working on my laptop



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Oh. First memories are connected with Internet Cafes in my town, where I typically went after school secretly from my parents to play Need for Speed :)


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love creating web-strategies, sales funnels, and guiding clients on organizing their business and products. I want to be more than just a web-designer; I aspire to be a business mentor, supporting clients and celebrating their growth, especially their first sales, building their first online/offline stores, seeing how they attract investments.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

As I am still learning, I prefer to focus all of my attention on coding itself :)


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Minimalist. Feminine. Earthy


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

CSS and Liquid


What makes your work standout?

I would say it would be thoughtful design. I strongly believe that minimalism emphasizes the importance of both details and the core content of a product or service.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Oh a lot. I am constantly learning there not only from the lessons/workshops, but also from the questions of other students.

I find this program - the best program in the e-commerce design world. It covers so much. And I can't thank enough Rache for creating this course.


What is your dream website project?

Jewelry, cosmetics and home decor.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Feminine Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Feminine Squarestylist Support

Chloe Leonard

Creative Director + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Squarespace Template, Shopify Template, SEO Strategy , Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Photography

Nashville, Tennessee

Chloe Leonard

Nashville, Tennessee / USA
Creative Director + Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Squarespace Template, Shopify Template, SEO Strategy , Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Chloe Leonard and I’m a Creative Director + Web Designer based in Nashville, Tennessee.


Outside work you will often find me songwriting, playing guitar, hiking and trying new restaurants over Nashville, TN, where I'm based.


But on a typical workday, I am usually working from my favorite coffee shop across the street from my apartment, sipping on a smoothie and an almond milk cappuccino.


My day usually starts with checking emails then heading straight into design work! When my brain is fresh :)


Most of the time I am typically working with branding, web design, and marketing design retainer clients!



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Creating my AOL username - fashion4freaks - and playing games like Club Penguin and Stardoll. IYKYK.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love custom web design because it is truly one of the most strategic solutions to a client's problems. In creating mock ups, I search for opportunities to design more flow, ease, and a more engaging, intuitive customer experience. Therefore, allowing for more sales and loyalty to a brand because of the incredible user experience.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening to one of my many Spotify playlists that just put me in the zone! On rotating now is Japanese jazz.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Feminine. Minimalist. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Pseudo elements, animations, and custom list sections to reduce scrolling and organize information better.


What makes your work standout?

Within every creative business is a powerful confident brand. And within that brand, lies a powerful brand essence.

Using our emotion and strategy-based branding and web design process, we cultivate brand essences that evoke inspired-action and authentic connection with your audience. Ultimately, sparking conversions spanning across your entire business.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

The attention to detail Rache has put into each workshop! She thinks of the little design details that make all the difference in creating a beautiful AND functional website.


What is your dream website project?

One-product e-Commerce brand - particularly in the beauty and wellness field.
Service-providers - ie. interior designers, med spas and plastic surgery centers, therapists, fitness professionals, stylists, hair salons, pilates studios.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Monochromatic, Masculine, Brutalist Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Monochromatic, Masculine, Brutalist Squarestylist Support

Colette Smith

Frontend Developer and Designer

Brand Design, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy, Photography, Squarespace Design and Dev

Woodbridge, Suffolk UK

colette smith

Woodbridge, Suffolk UK
Frontend Developer and Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy, Photography, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Colette Smith and I’m a Frontend Developer and Designer based in Woodbridge, Suffolk UK.


Outside work you will often find me with headphones on, exploring the latest art exhibitions, taking photos, dabbling in some diy, reading some trashy crime novels, practicing yoga, or just hanging out with my dogs and family. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually deep in design work or debugging some code! You can often find me tweaking a website's layout, brainstorming solutions with my team, or dreaming up new ideas for a development collaboration—essentially, I'm always busy running my studio.


My day usually starts with COFFEEEEE.


Most of the time I am working on integrating micro interactions and animations.

CS_STUDIO is a UK based independent creative studio, founded by Colette in 2018. Her approach is strategic and collaborative, bringing fresh ideas and a contemporary concept to her projects. She holds a software engineering certification, with a specialism in front end development.

Colette studied BA Fine Art at Central St Martins, University of the Arts, London.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

I remember making myself a pure HTML site for my photography portfolio straight out of art school. It was definitely brutalist ... very basic CSS then!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?
The best part about building websites is the opportunity to create a platform that truly reflects who my clients are and showcases them at their best. It's incredibly rewarding to transform their vision into a functional and aesthetically pleasing online presence that not only meets their needs but also enhances their brand's image.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Cuddling my dogs!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Bold. Masculine. Monochromatic.


Share your unique style, your design philosophy and/or aesthetics that appeal to you.
I consider myself a design chameleon. I love studying vintage magazines and books to gather inspo as much as I love seeing what's new on Pinterest. I try my best to combine the best of new and old while providing a safety net depending on the niche my clients are in.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?
STICKY CARDS! I love this feature and I’ve used it a few times, in the sites below. Croftcode →Simulated Aesthetic Scenarios →


What makes your work standout?

What makes my work stand out is the unique blend of artistic sensibility and technical expertise that I bring to each project. With a foundation in fine art from Central St. Martins and a specialisation in front-end development, I approach website design not just as a technical challenge, but as an artistic endeavour. This allows me to create bespoke websites that are not only technically robust but also visually compelling and perfectly tailored to each client’s brand and audience.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Some of my biggest takeaways from the Standout programs revolve around maximising the potential of tools like Squarespace to deliver fully customised websites. I've learned to push the boundaries of standard templates by applying unconventional design techniques and advanced coding. This approach allows me to transform basic layouts into unique, tailored web experiences that stand out. It’s taught me the importance of thinking outside the box and adapting tools to meet specific artistic visions and functional demands.
Also the level of support received on the course was unparalleled.


What is your dream website project?

I would love to build a beautiful clean website for an architecture firm.

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