

Collaborate with our Standout web designer-developers on your next project, from plugin installations to template reskins to custom-coded website builds.

Nathalie Chikhi

Founder, Designer and Artist

Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Photography

Fort Worth, TX

Nathalie Chikhi

Fort Worth Area / USA
Founder, Designer and Artist

Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Nathalie Chikhi and I’m a Founder, Designer and Artist based in Fort Worth Area, USA.


Outside work you will often find me spending quality time with my daughter and husband.


But on a typical workday, I am usually creating new original works in my art studio.


My day usually starts with working out.


Most of the time I am working on design and art.

Intuition is what guides my creative process. Organically nurturing my imagination, always.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Well, I remember of my first website using dreamweaver. It was the inception of the internet ;-)


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love creating brand from the ground up, it is challenging and intimidating at the same time, but I am excited to capture the essence of the client and uncover the right visual signature for my client's brand.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Drinking coffee and going for a walk.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Minimalist. Maximalist. Playful. Futuristic. Modern. Bold.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Font customization


What makes your work standout?

Creativity, design and creative vision.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Make it possible to personalize a solid platform such as Squarespace.


What is your dream website project?

Work for a Fashion brand, with a solid team of designer, photographer, stylist and videographer and dev.

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Ahdiya Gurgani

UX/UI | Branding & Web Designer

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Melbourne, Australia

Ahdiya Gurgani

Melbourne / Australia
UX/UI | Branding & Web Designer

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Ahdiya Gurgani and I’m a UX/UI | Branding & Web Designer based in Melbourne, Australia.


Outside work you will often find me going to pilates, hiking, journaling and traveling to tropical islands


But on a typical workday, I am usually helping clients get clear on their business goals, identify their niches and have strategy sessions. Designing, wireframing and developing.


My day usually starts with journaling and meditation


Most of the time I am working on designs, creating content for instagram



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Making the backend as seamless so my clients can sell their product or services with ease and almost passively!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Learning the best techniques to make the squarespace website as unique as possible


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Minimalist. Maximalist. Vibrant. Modern. Dark. Feminine.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

seamless animations


What makes your work standout?

My work is rooted in UX/UI and psychology principles.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Sadia PsychologyWebsite →


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

How easily and effortless coding can be thanks to the course!


What is your dream website project?

Building the website for Tony Robbins

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support

Marlo Biasutti

Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy

Toronto, Canada

Marlo Biasutti

Toronto / Canada
Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Marlo Biasutti and I’m a Creative Director based in Toronto, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me spending time with my family and running trails.


But on a typical workday, I am usually in my office loving every minute of it.


My day usually starts with a walk with my dog.


Most of the time I am working on coding Squarespace websites for professionals that are ready to elevate their online presence.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Learning new coding techniques and seeing them come to life.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Modern. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I love sticky features and mega menus.


What makes your work standout?

I have a background in print editorial that I love to bring to life in the digital world.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Peloton Capital Management.
This was a client project and my largest website build yet. It not only incorporated the brand identity I designed, but we also did a full photoshoot and videography that was incorporated into the new website. I love implementing sticky features for roll-over effects, a mega menu, and the ability to have full control over typography using code.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

How much I love coding. I always thought that my design brain wasn't built for this but using Rache's approach I have fallen in love.


What is your dream website project?

I love them all. I like the diversity each client project brings and how we can express their individual brands online and make their personality shine.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support

Malin Eriksson

Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Brand Design, Website Tweaks

Malmö, Sweden

Malin Eriksson

Malmö / Sweden
Web Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Shopify Template

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Malin Eriksson and I’m a Web Designer based in Malmö, Sweden


Outside work you will often find me at the CrossFit gym or boxing, as I love to stay active. I also enjoy spending quality time with my partner, Dennis, and traveling to experience new places and cultures. ( VIEW )


But on a typical workday, I do a little of everything. Since I am both a web designer and a marketing manager at a mall, I am usually in front of my computer, either working on web design projects or planning events as part of my role as a manager at a mall


My day usually starts with a nice cup of coffee while checking my emails, followed by a pleasant stroll around the mall.


Most of the time I am working on something creative tasks like designing graphics for a website or planning an exciting event.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Many years ago in school, the first thing we learned about computers was what 'www' stood for. Yes, I am that old...


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love the whole process, from getting to know you and your business inside out to extrapolating your values and translating them into a website that helps you get closer to your goal. But I love to code if we are in for the nite and gritty.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

During my mid-coding pastime, I like to take short walks to get some fresh air and clear my mind. I also enjoy having a healthy snack or a cup of coffee to keep my energy levels up and stay refreshed.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Modern. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Without a doubt the Sticky Gallery and Style Logo Image on Scroll workshops.


What makes your work standout?

I don't do boring web design; I specialize in creating iconic brand and web designs for cult beauty brands. My focus is on the customer journey and ensuring that they experience your brand while easily finding what they are looking for.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Bare Nordic Beauty
My proudest website build so far is an e-commerce site for a client on Shopify called Bare Nordic Beauty. I took the skills I learned from working with Squarespace and applied them to Shopify. What started as a small complementary shop for a Nordic beauty brand boutique has grown into a full-fledged e-commerce store with over 400 products. The key lesson I learned from this project is to never set boundaries on what you can achieve.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

One of the most valuable lessons I've learned from the Standout programs is that with the right mindset and people cheering you on, you can achieve anything. The program has not only given me the necessary skillset but also fostered the confidence and mindset to stand out and design uniquely. The supportive community, always cheering us on, has been a huge part in pushing boundaries and reaching my goals.


What is your dream website project?

My dream website project would be to build a visually bold and modern website that gives visitors an alluring and inspiring customer journey for an up-and-coming personal brand in the beauty industry. I envision creating a website that showcases their unique products and services, tells their story, and engages their audience with captivating content. This project would combine my passion for design with my love for the beauty industry, allowing me to craft an online presence that truly stands out and resonates with beauty enthusiasts.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic Squarestylist Support

Maria Elena Monraz Preciado

Founder & Creative Director

Brand Design, Graphic Design, Illustrations, Creative Direction

Guadalajara, Mexico

Maria Elena Monraz Preciado

Guadalajara / Mexico
Founder & Creative Director

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Maria Elena Monraz Preciado and I’m a Founder & Creative Director based in Guadalajara, Mexico


Outside work you will often find me playing with my dog Bimba (although I do that during work hours too :)) Doing sports, specially kite-surf. I love traveling and working as a digital nomad. I am *based* in Mexico so I love summer, the beach and any activity that requires being in water. I love running early in the morning, coffee (espresso) and architecture / interior design.(VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually drinking coffee and designing the website architecture. I love development and my focus is bringing designers vision and website projects to life through smart code. As an architect turned web developer I an a natural puzzle solver, coming up with simple yet impactful coding solutions for fellow cool designers, this is why my studio is called From Cool to Coded.


My day usually starts with meditation, coffee and a morning run in the nearest park


Most of the time I am working on web development for other designers inside Squarespace and Shopify



What are your first memories of the Internet?

I am a 90's kid so I remember the sound of dial up internet. I am a hybrid: knew both analog and digital eras. I would download coloring books and images that I could then print out and make an art project out of them... I loved it since the very beginning.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?
Coding is where I shine. I like design and really enjoy it too... but writing lines of code and coming up with smart, efficient and simple solutions to website mockups is my passion. I love puzzles (big sudoku fan) and web development is like solving one big puzzle in many small steps.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Playing with my dog


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Monochrome. Playful. Bold.


Share your unique style, your design philosophy and/or aesthetics that appeal to you.
I consider myself a design chameleon. I love studying vintage magazines and books to gather inspo as much as I love seeing what's new on Pinterest. I try my best to combine the best of new and old while providing a safety net depending on the niche my clients are in.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?
All of them! But if I have to choose: vertical lines, mega menus (or any menu workshop), testimonial slider, sticky - scrolling, focus list carrousels, anything with hover effects and animations.... Lol I could keep going, they are all amazing.


What makes your work standout?

I love an editorial, bold, monochromatic design but contrasted with fun, playful user integrations. I love it when users are surprised when visiting a website with *hidden* cool animations and interactions. I love to incorporate these fun little code snippets that give web designs and extra layer of fun.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Maria Web StudioWebsite →It was the first website I made for myself when I launched my Web Design Studio and was still a student inside Standout Squarespace. Since it was a project for myself I felt really confident to explore and take risks. It represented my design style to the fullest: editorial, vertical lines, black and white and image and typography based. I built it when the classic editor was the only editor. I used the lessons learned inside Module 4: Box model, typography, display, float and layout position properties. During this project I learned that anything is possible when you learn smart coding techniques. That CSS alone goes a long long way. I also learned more about my personal style and POV.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

My biggest takeaway is that if you build strong skills you can achieve anything. That you can create your dream job, and creativity is inside all of us, it just has different outlets. I will forever be grateful for Rache and of her Standout Programs, they opened a lot of doors I never thought possible for me.


What is your dream website project?

I love coding websites, so my dream website project is to collaborate with nice, cool designers around the world and bring their website projects from cool to coded.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Earthy, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Earthy, Modern Squarestylist Support


Designer / Creative Developer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Shopify Template, Brand Design, Squarespace Template

Jakarta, Indonesia


Jakarta / Indonesia
Designer / Creative Developer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Shopify Template, Brand Design, Squarespace Template

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Wynny and I’m a Designer / Creative Developer based in Jakarta, Indonesia


Outside work you will often find me at local coffee shops, or finding new food to try.


But on a typical workday, I am usually with my headphones on, I put on my comfiest clothes, and am ready to immerse myself into my work.


My day usually starts with morning workout, journaling


Most of the time I am working on pushing the envelope, one day at a time.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

friendster. oh no.. 🙈


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Exploring design direction. And what I like the most is building and coding it to live. I love the thrill and the problem solving part of building the site.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Brew another coffee. The smell of freshly brewed coffee lifts my spirit. At the end of the day/week, I reward myself with a few episodes of Kdrama.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Earthy. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Every single one of the Standout workshops is valuable in making a unique standout website. I learned a lot from Rache's thought process and how to apply that, not only limited to the workshop materials but I can use the same principles to solve other problems as well.


What makes your work standout?

I took time to listen to my client's problem, provide the simplest solution, and elevate it to make it look unique and stand out. Every client is different, every project is a new challenge. I am always up for any creative challenge. I am led by curiosity and skill-driven results.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Mutual Muse.
Website → As a Shopify Developer this is my proudest project. Designed by the lovely Dana from Lots of the buildout from this site is based from my learning from Standout Squarespace and Standout Shopify. And I use lots of assets from Standout Shopify Code Toolkit that I modified so it looks like the design that Dana has.

AR15 and Under
Website →Designed by KUYA, my role in this project is the Shopify Developer. This is a non-profit project that won 2024 D&AD award for Writing in Design (Graphite Pencil)

Website →As designer and developer, this is my proudest project. What I love about it is, the challenge of how to make Squarespace website look unique


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Rache's teaching style and materials are unique, aesthetic, and very importantly: make sense. Standout program has the best of both worlds of creativity and coding. Being a designer who loves to venture and learn more in coding, I took many coding courses and most of them were too long/too slow/too boring but not with Standout. Every module sparks interest and Rache's way of teaching makes coding make sense.
Also, the community. I met lots of new friends in Standout, and collaborate on projects and develop meaningful relationships.


What is your dream website project?

Be part of a project that is bigger than me.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Feminine, Earthy Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Feminine, Earthy Squarestylist Support

Diane Green

Owner/Squarespace Website Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Design, Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks

Alta, Wyoming

diane green

Alta, Wyoming / USA
Owner/Squarespace Website Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Design, Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Diane Green and I’m an Owner/Squarespace Website Designer based in Alta, Wyoming.


Outside work you will often find me hiking in the Teton Mountains, biking, skiing, gardening, reading, and connecting with friends.(VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually ready to roll by 5:30 AM. My creative brain works best in the morning. I save afternoons (and sometimes evenings) for blogging, researching, and social media posts. I believe in balance, and I always take a break for some time outdoors.


My day usually starts with coffee, stretching, and meditation. Always.


Most of the time I am working on a new design, refining a design, or learning a cool new design trick.

The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.
— Vince Lombardi


What are your first memories of the Internet?

When I graduated from high school, my parents gifted me a typewriter. By my second year of college, I was taking a BASIC programming class.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love my clients. I've been so fortunate the meet the most amazing people. They inspire me. I also love the design work. It's SO fun to pour creativity into a website and watch the elements interact to create something beautiful.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Fresh air and movement.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Feminine. Earthy.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I love typography. It's an undervalued creative tool, and the possibilities are endless. It seems like every website calls for a unique font style or placement. I've learned so much from all of Rache's workshops, and I have over 100 pages of notes from her courses that I often refer to during my design work.


What makes your work standout?

My designs are elegant and confident. When site visitors scroll through one of my websites, they say "aah" and "ooh" and "oh!" They're comforted, intrigued, and surprised by my work. Of course, I've designed sites that are robust and bold, but my best work is found in softer creations.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Diane Green DesignWebsite →This is my personal website.
Because this is my own website, I've had opportunities to dramatically revise it as I've become a better designer. I started with poppy flowers (paired with design inconsistencies and clutter), to aspen trees and mountain scenes (not reflective of my business), to my current design (refined, professional, soft, with a touch of playfulness).
Standout Core (image sizing, basic typography, column utilization, selecting pre-formatted sections and blocks, and the accessibility checks, and more). Standout Advanced (selecting elements the right way and basic CSS).


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

As a website designer, the Standout programs are the best investment I've made in terms of business and design. They are exceptionally comprehensive; in fact, I work through the modules multiple times and take copious notes (like more than 100 pages)--and I still have more to learn from the programs. Rache is a phenomenal teacher: professional, direct, kind, and attentive. My biggest takeaway? Web design is evolving and limitless. My work evolves as I learn, and my designs are only limited by what I don't know. This is why I'm a dedicated student of the craft.


What is your dream website project?

Send me an empowered woman who has a vision, a roadmap, brand assets, and a commitment to finding her way in the entrepreneur world, and I'm thrilled!

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Brutalist Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Brutalist Squarestylist Support

Cecily Carlyle

Visual Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev

Toronto, Canada

Cecily Carlyle

Toronto / Canada
Visual Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Cecily Carlyle and I’m a Visual Designer based in Toronto, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me walking around the city getting coffee with friends, going on hikes, and checking out new art exhibits.(VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually at home working away at my desk listening to DJ Cinthie to get into a flow state.


My day usually starts with COFFEE


Most of the time I am working on emails and iterating on designs.

The end result was a site with a visual style that was unique to me and which told my story in an innovative and one-of-a-kind way.
— Bea Santos, Filmmaker


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Angel Fire which was a website builder I used back in 2000 to upload as many pixelated Spice Girl and Sailor Moon images, as I possibly could haha.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Figuring out how the visual identity will translate over to the web experience and putting the puzzle pieces together so the content flows well.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Stretching and recaffeinating.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Editorial. Modern. Brutalist.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

-Stacked List Cards
-Split Gallery
-Overflow Elements to Adjacent Sections


What makes your work standout?

With my background in fashion design, I incorporate a European, minimalistic sensibility in my work. I gravitate towards clean lines, grids, textures, black accents, and an overall minimalistic design aesthetic.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Kim Vance ND
Website →The client completed an in depth questionnaire relating to their business, industry competitors, content requirements, and desired styles. I distilled all of the information into a visual identity concept. Once approved by the client we moved into the web design process which consists of designing a high-fidelity prototype of the homepage. Once the homepage is approved the remaining pages are designed and the site is built out with minor tweaks via client feedback.
Workshops used:
-Fluid Tab Grids for Blog section on Home page
-Stacked List Cards on Services page
Throughout this project build I learnt that "less is more". I always start out wanting to include a lot of cool features, but I am reminded to ask: what is the purpose, and will it hinder the user's experience?


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Don't be afraid to try and get messy. Use the amazing community to your advantage. If you're struggling to understand a concept—practice is key. This can come in the form a concept project for your portfolio if you don't have a client. Keep going and it will get easier and you will get quicker!


What is your dream website project?

An e-commerce site for a brand in the beauty space that requires high-quality, elevated packaging and brand photos.

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Kaitlin Marino

Founder, Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Bucks County, PA

Kaitlin Marino

Bucks County / PA
Founder, Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Kaitlin Marino and I’m a Founder, Designer based in Bucks County, PA.


Outside work you will often find me tending to the 1800s cottage I own with my husband, frolicking through local antique stores, watering my rose garden, collecting old books, or exploring the countryside. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually sitting in my pink vintage chair, sipping either coffee or matcha, working on soulful brand identities and artful websites for other creative small business owners (with Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet's Department on repeat).


My day usually starts with coffee on the patio with my husband (we love to watch the birds come to all of our feeders in the morning).


Most of the time I am working on brand strategies, brand identities, websites, or print collateral.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Oh gosh, I think the very beginning of starting the design process and then the coding development. After creating a beautiful brand identity, it is so exciting to me to tell its story even further through website design - infusing page designs with the brand's typography, aesthetic, colors, and overall look and feel is so fulfilling to me. My other favorite part is diving into the technicality of the code - I grew up being very good at math so seeing ideas and designs come to life through a beautiful "language" and problem solving is another incredibly fulfilling feeling!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

The occasional little treat - and that to me is a quick coffee out and another quick stop at a local vintage store ;)


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Romantic. Otherworldly. Vintage/Retro. Earthy. Feminine. Editorial


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

To be honest, I don't think I can pinpoint just one... I have yet to go through the course from beginning to end in totality (something I look forward to doing), so I find myself weaving back and forth throughout different workshops and classes to find something that sparks a design idea for a certain project. I love incorporating touches of animation (through the typewriter effect), pop-out menus (through javascript), and many many other beautiful lessons Rache has graciously given us.


What makes your work standout?

I think my work stands out through its poetic, vintage, and artful charm. I infuse my work with romanticism and art the same way I do with my general lifestyle... looking at it through a poetic perspective - and I think this is seen within each project.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Photos by Gayle
Gayle and I had a vision of infusing her entire brand aesthetic with a map motif (to align her work with the "anywhere your love is" tagline. Weaving this motif throughout the site with coordinates, embossing, textures, etc. was something that was a bit outside the box and very fun to dream up.
Throughout her website build, I definitely got more skilled in coding in a lyrical and poetic manner.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

My biggest take-away from Standout Squarespace so far is learning the back-end of how things work versus just copy and pasting tweaks where needed. Prior to the course, I would google how to bring certain ideas to life and because of the program and Rache's teachings, I feel like I am really understanding the "why" and "how" behind each lesson and how to actually expand on it on my own. It's a very rewarding feeling!


What is your dream website project?

I would love to partner with a pottery studio and infuse a website design with organic shapes, textures, and aesthetics. I tend to partner with a ton of wedding photographers (whom I adore), but I would be so excited to transition even further into some other creative businesses who create art as well.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Earthy, Refined, Retro Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Feminine, Earthy, Refined, Retro Squarestylist Support

Nenah Bondi

Brand & Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Photography, Brand Design

Portland, Oregon

Nenah Bondi

Portland, Oregon
Brand & Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Photography, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Nenah Bondi and I’m a Brand & Website Designer based in Portland, Oregon


Outside work you will often find me sleeping, cooking plant-based meals, and noodling around with music synthesizers.


But on a typical workday, I am usually immersed in inspiring brand & website projects for ambitious women


My day usually starts with snuggling.


Most of the time I am working on organizing, prioritizing, and creating.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Coding MySpace profiles for myself and all my friends!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

You receive a personalized, down-to-earth experience and an elevated website that help you expand and attract the kinds of connections and opportunities you're looking for. ✨


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Delicious little snacks - dried mango, blueberry kombucha, pistachios, mmmmmm.....


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Feminine. Earthy. Vintage/Retro.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Split Sections, Sticky Sections and Animate on Scroll


What makes your work standout?

I have a unique blend of artistic and technical balance, so I not only envision unique and beautiful designs, but I can also execute them in a technically advanced way.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Website →My favorite website i've ever built is my own website. I started with brand strategy to clarity my audience and my offers, and then I created a sitemap and wireframe. From there, I designed the website on Figma and then developed it in Squarespace. I used more Standout techniques than I can count, including moveable blocks, split sections, sticky sections, images on hover, timelines, Flodesk integrations, and more.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

So much can be learned when you have access to clear, well-organized resources and a responsive, supportive community.


What is your dream website project?

I'd love to create a website for a popular music artist! I'd also love to develop a brand for a flower farmer.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant, Earthy Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant, Earthy Squarestylist Support

Agnes Koller

Owner & Creative Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, SEO Strategy, Photography, Brand Design

New Brunswick, Canada

Agnes Koller

New Brunswick / Canada
Owner & Creative Designer, Fig Design

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Illustration, Graphic Design, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Agnes Koller and I’m an Owner & Creative Designer based in New Brunswick, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me in sunny wildflower-filled meadows, digging in the garden, or walking barefoot on the beach. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually working in my home office with a big mug of herbal tea and the window open to outside breezes.


My day usually starts with getting some morning sun and making tea, catching up with client emails.


Most of the time I am working on branding and website design projects, interspersed with creating print collatoral for clients.

The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper
— EB Yeats


What are your first memories of the Internet?

I still vaguely remember the days of dial-up modems, waiting patiently for Netscape Navigator to load to check out new releases on the Blockbuster website.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love the process of helping bring an idea to life by helping clients work through the brand and website strategy process. Designing mock-ups and refining them is always a lot of fun. It's the creative part of design that I enjoy the most.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

I take frequent movement breaks and enjoy walks in the sunshine--they're re-energizing and great for sparking new ideas.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Vibrant. Playful. Earthy.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Among my favourite Standout workshops are "Styling the Scrolling Block", "Shape Block Borders + Saved Sections", "Sideways Text" and "Stylish Carousel Summary Block".


What makes your work standout?

My work stands out in how well it captures the essence of each individual client, while staying true to my timeless, rich styling. For me, it's not about being trendy, it's about being authentic and honest.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Standout exemplifies the idea that you're only limited by your imagination. Connecting with a community of talented creatives is a great way to expand knowledge and grow as a designer.


What is your dream website project?

I've always loved horses--their grace and beauty. I'd really enjoy creating a website for a horse rescue or farm that offers therapeutic horse-related services. Capturing the essence of the horses in a website would be a lovely experience.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Coastal, Clean, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Coastal, Clean, Modern Squarestylist Support

Breezi Harrell

Brand and Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Squarespace Template, Shopify Template, Brand Design

Austin, TX and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida

Breezi Harrell

Austin, TX and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
Brand and Website Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Squarespace Template, Shopify Template, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Breezi Harrell and I’m a Brand and Website Designer based in Austin, TX and Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.


Outside work you will often find me reading, at the beach, or walking in ATX with my Australian Shepherd, Snacks. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually listening to Billie Eilish in between chatting with clients! (VIEW)


My day usually starts with an iced latte.


Most of the time I am working on Shopify websites.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

The dial-up internet sound (IYKYK) and AIM instant messenger!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Making a client's vision come true with custom code and boosting their confidence in their brand or website!


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Scrolling Substack newsletters


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Coastal. Clean. Modern.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Animations, Menu Navigations (mega menu or balanced headers), Custom Typography, Alternate Images on Hover, Pseudo Elements, Loading Screen


What makes your work standout?

My work stands out because I'm extremely versatile, and I don't have a niche audience. I work with a wide variety of clients with different aesthetics, and I truly love how unique each project is. I come from a nonprofit background, so my love for designing is celebrated through helping my clients achieve their dreams.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Apart from making me the coding expert and website designer I am today, some of my biggest takeaways from the Standout programs are the continued support Rache gives by answering student questions and how kind everyone in the community is. This, coupled with seeing how other designers utilize the program material, has definitely contributed to my growth and happiness as a creative.


What is your dream website project?

A passion project centered around my book Instagram account @brewsandbooks! If only I could find the time ;)

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support

Patricia Johnson

Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Photography

Los Angeles, USA

Patricia Johnson

Los Angeles / USA
Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio

Squarespace Design and Dev, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks, Brand Design, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Patricia Johnson and I’m a Founder & Creative Director, Cultivation Studio based in Los Angeles, USA.


Outside work you will often find me teaching a yoga class, browsing vintage markets, dancing til the wee morning hours, or lounging at the pool. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually designing and/or developing Squarespace websites from my home office in LA with an iced latte in hand!


My day usually starts with a coffee walk to my nearest coffee shop


Most of the time I am working on empowering entrepreneurs to show up as their authentic selves

Patricia took our wildest dream — creating a virtual space for our community to connect and feel at home — and made it into a reality, incorporating all of our ideas into a user-friendly website woven in with the fun personality of our brand.
— Yoga Playground


What are your first memories of the Internet?

This makes me feel reeeeeeal old, but I LIVED on the internet in the 90s!
My first memory is logging on to our dial-up internet on my family's computer to play chat room card games. Not too long after that I was spending all of my free time on Neopets.
As a preteen I started designing my own websites for fun... I should have predicted that this would be my actual job over 25 years later!


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love building websites because it allows me to balance both sides of my brain by being creative (design) and logical (strategy & coding).
But if I were to pick one part of the process, it would be development — I absolutely LOVE making designs come to life, it's like magic! I particularly love the problem solving aspect of coding.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Listening (and singing along) to late 90s R&B... literally the exact same thing I did while coding as a kid!


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Playful. Bold. Vibrant.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

There are SO many good ones that it's hard to narrow down, but I especially love the Fluid Tabs workshops because they bring an elevated, interactive experience to Squarespace.


What makes your work standout?

My core belief is that authenticity is the most effective strategy in branding & marketing, because it enables you to build the meaningful connections that support you & your business.
This is what guides my work with my clients — my goal is to showcase who they are in their brand & website design, which in turn empowers them to show up authentically.
This is also what guides my own branding, as I want to build a business that's authentic to me and my goals.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Brand & website design for Radiate Wellness
I designed this newly launched wellness brand from start to finish — including brand strategy, brand identity, photography, and website design & development.
I used the Section Decor workshop to apply a background image on this website, and also used lessons from Standout to animate this section decor on scroll.
This project was incredibly rewarding for me because I managed each touchpoint of the brand design. It was very empowering to be able to see my creative vision through for the client from start to finish. This was the first big project of its kind for me, so I learned that I do have the talent, skill, and tenacity to run a successful creative business!


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

It is impossible to distill everything I have learned from Standout Squarespace into one paragraph. It improved my coding skills beyond what I ever thought possible for Squarespace, and in turn brought an incredible amount of value to my business by enabling me to offer more value to my clients *and* giving me the confidence to charge higher rates. Beyond coding, the course's business lessons helped me better understand how to run an effective creative business, from taxes to contracts to sales and everything in between. With the support of Rache's mentorship I have been able to build a profitable business that supports the life I want to lead, and that transcends monetary value. I am forever grateful.


What is your dream website project?

I love working with entrepreneurs who want to make a positive impact through their services. As long as this value is aligned, I am happy!
In the future, I would love to work with more brick & more wellness spaces so I can work on brand strategy as it relates not only to digital spaces but physical as well.

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Anita Cheung

Brand and Website Designer, Developer, Creative Consultant

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives

Vancouver, Canada

Anita Cheung

Vancouver, Canada
Brand and Website Designer, Developer, Creative Consultant

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks, Illustration

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Anita Cheung and I’m a Brand and Website Designer, Developer, Creative Consultant based in Vancouver, Canada


Outside work you will often find me sketching, gardening, horseback riding, surfing, reading, or watching movies. (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually doing intensive client design work (which I call Snack Dates!), taking calls, or creating illustrations-- it all just depends on the day! (But always with at least two or three beverages by my side.) (VIEW)


My day usually starts with matcha latte and a stretch.


Most of the time I am working on client branding & website projects

“Working with Neets is an absolute joy! She takes the time to understand your business, vision, and clients to build a virtual space that engages your audience and fully represents your business. I love working with her and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a website that stands out & truly embodies their brand!”
— -Zachi, from Dopo Abortion Support (


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Some of my earliest memories of the internet were spent building my own webpages on geocities and asianavenue as a tween, and designing my neopet dream home.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I work in an intensive-design-day format and my FAVOURITE day is the website design day. It's where I take everything the client has shared (copy, photos, brand kit, hopes and dreams), and put it together into a functional and beautiful website mockup. From there, we spend the day going back and forth, making edits and changes in real time. It is so collaborative and incredibly rewarding to see the client's dream website be created- literally right in front of their eyes.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Does listening to ghibli music count? Whenever I need a break, I also head downstairs to my partner's office (we both work from home) for a mid-day hug.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Playful. Minimalist. Maximalist. Vibrant. Modern


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Ah, so many! But I think the good ol' split screen sticky scroll has been a go-to.


What makes your work standout?

As a libra, and a people pleaser, I've always been a bit of a chameleon-- which has really come in handy with my work. Instead of having a concrete cookie-cutter style, I like to tailor my designs for each brand and each project. With that said, my "signature" approach is to encourage my clients to infuse some delight into the design. Whether that's through scroll effects, gifs, or colour, I like to add just a touch of unexpected playfulness to everything.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Decipher Counselling
Website →
I worked with Linda, the founder of Decipher Counselling, on her brand and website design. Over the course of four days, we were able to make her vision a reality. She came to me with keywords like "nostalgia" and "dreamy", and I think the final result is exactly that! You can check it out for yourself.
Standout Workshops used: Universal Filter, and a lot of pseudo elements were used in the design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

To have fun & play with website design! I'm always thinking of "how else can we do this" in a way that feels delightful and unconventional.


What is your dream website project?

I'm currently loving minimalist websites-- minimal in terms of content, not necessarily design. Bring on the one-page websites! I think the boundary/ restraint that's needed makes it all the more interesting on a creative level.

I love the idea of a website being a portal. Providing mystery and intrigue, and just the right amount of information, so that folks are moved into action to speak with an actual human being/ continue down the path of discovering more about a business.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist Squarestylist Support

Ash Hendriks

Graphic Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives

Sydney, Australia

Ash Hendriks

Sydney / Australia
Graphic Designer

Squarespace Design and Dev, Squarespace Template, Brand Design, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Ash Hendriks and I’m a Graphic Designer based in Sydney, Australia.


Outside work you will often find me at the beach with my baby girl or experimenting in the kitchen.


But on a typical workday, I am usually designing, developing, creating brand identities.


My day usually starts with tea and cuddles with my 1 year old in bed.


Most of the time I am working on Website Design and Development.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Translating design to code. How code can completely transform anything and open doors to infinite possibilities.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Getting distracted with possibilities.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Minimalist. Playful.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Split Screen, CSS Grids, Lined Header


What makes your work standout?

I love brands that stand out, odd colours, geometry, minimalism but edgy. I think less is more (always) but love experimenting with design elements like typography and colour to deliver creations outside the box.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Website →This client gave me full creative control with both brand identity and website. They trusted my process and as a result there was minimal back and forth and they loved the outcome. I used many of the standout workshops including module one to discover what the client needed, setting up the website the Standout way, changing images on hover and many CSS customisations that elevated the sites design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Confidence in my ability to design and develop exceptional websites.


What is your dream website project?

Any project which allows creative freedom and pushes the boundaries.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Vibrant Squarestylist Support

Estefanny Ramirez

Co-Founder and Design Lead

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks

Quito, Ecuador

Estefanny Ramirez

Quito / Ecuador
Co-Founder and Design Lead

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Estefanny Ramirez and I’m a Co-Founder and Design Lead based in Quito, Ecuador.


Outside work you will often find me making ceramics, coloring, collaging, puzzling, talking to my plants, listening to a podcast, watching my favorite Youtubers, or traveling & eating with my partner and dog <3 (VIEW)


But on a typical workday, I am usually cleaning up my email, creating content for our studio, showing up for our online creativepreneur community, browsing design inspiration for future brand/web projects, creating mood boards for proposal presentations, and/or working on a brand development or website design project for a client. Everyday is different when you're running your own creative studio, especially when you wear many hats. (VIEW)


My day usually starts with conscious movement or meditation, a good breakfast, and a serene walk outside.


Most of the time I am working on tasks or projects that matter and have capacity for that day –things that give us a healthy return on investment, not just financially, but also emotionally, that fills our cup and our creative souls.



What are your first memories of the Internet?

Googling summaries of books as soon as that was a thing, haha.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Doing the research and translating the client's personality into the website experience, making thoughtful design decisions –whether it's the navigation layout, colors, copywriting or the user-experience– I love being able to create and build something that truly represents the human behind, delivering something that client is proud of and feels connected to.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Anything from Brain Education TV videos.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Bold. Vibrant.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Summary Block, Timelines, Custom Cursor, Lined Header, Vertical Scrolling Block, CSS Grids in Sections, Text Toggles, Blog List Borders


What makes your work standout?

What makes our work standout is our intentional and collaborative approach to truly getting to know the people behind the brands we work with and bringing their voice, personality, authenticity and humanity into our creative process and the work we produce for them.

Our clients feel included and involved vs. it feeling like a one-way street type of partnership.

You also get to brag about working with an Ecuador-based creative team made up of a an Ecuadorian graphic designer, a Chinese-Jamaican art director, and a South-Korean dog-boss.


What are some of your proudest works you've worked on?

Moonlab Productions Website Redesign
A quick throwback: In 2019/20, we first redesigned MoonLab Production’s kickstart one-page starter site into a sleek and simple multi-page Squarespace website to align with their new brand direction and better present themselves to the digital world.

A couple of years later, the agency grew exponentially and approached us with a larger budget to work on another redesign that incorporated more advanced coding, custom visuals + animations and bells and whistles/hidden easter eggs. We were so excited because we’ve already set up a strong site structure and foundation to seamlessly take on this second redesign and facelift.

In addition, we were tasked with:
• crafting a new mission statement for MLP
• hosting a social media + brand storytelling workshop for their team
• creating Instagram content for the launch of the website

This redesign was focused on visual enhancements and incorporating more animations and interactions via custom coding. With our vision and the client’s needs in mind, we sketched out our ideas and created moodboards of our creative direction to ensure that we were all on the same page. Then we restructured the sitemap to include additional pages and showcase the flow of the new website.
Once we had our wireframe sketches, moodboards and sitemap completed, we did a check-in with the client to present them all of our ideas and initial thoughts for the redesign.

We used so much of the base knowledge that was gained from Standout Squarespace: on coding to rally bring our concept to life, how to maintain a clean code setup on the backend, how to ensure a site has optimal loading time, how to implement so many cool features like the side-by-side-scrolling scrolling, the vertical marquee, read more toggles and more!

Overall, I learned so much with this project, and of course from Standout, that I can't even imagine being able to execute this project without Rache's knowledge and program.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Dream bigger, charge more, appreciate the process, give yourself a system, write things down so you don’t have to think about it from scratch every time and make yourself and your business goals a priority. The way that Rache has scaled her business has inspired us to meaningfully build upon our services and creative offerings. And of course, my creative developer skills feel GREAT now –This helps me provide a more complete Squarespace website package for our clients.


What is your dream website project?

We would love to work with brands that believe in gender-neutrality or focuses on weight and body neutrality or with a not-for-profit that focuses on global impact. It would be awesome to work with people like Jameela Jamil and brands like iWeigh, or maybe a web redesign or even a branding revamp for a booming startup from Shark Tank! Being able to work with respectful, creative and open-minded clients on projects where we can explore things and create things that are bold, beautiful, functional and thoughtful. #goals

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Earthy Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Minimalist, Modern, Earthy Squarestylist Support

Mahsa Emami

Brand & Web Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev

Ottawa, Canada

Mahsa Emami

Ottawa / Canada
Brand & Web Designer

Brand Design, Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Mahsa Emami and I’m a Brand & Web Designer based in Ottawa, Canada.


Outside work you will often find me taking an urban stroll downtown to do some street photography, or in a cozy neighborhood café.


But on a typical workday, I am usually I usually wake up in the morning, get a coffee, design client work, and meet with my clients.


My day usually starts with a coffee


Most of the time I am working on client projects.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Start designing on Figma


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

My mid-coding pastime is taking short breaks to stretch, grab a coffee, and listen to some music.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Minimalist. Modern. Earthy.


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Image Reveal on Text Hover using Image Blocks and Stylish Carousel Summary Block


What makes your work standout?

It is my commitment to minimalism, ensuring that each design is not only stylish but also elegant and modern. This approach creates clean, sophisticated visuals that capture attention and convey a sense of refined simplicity.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Learning deep code


What is your dream website project?

Improving my coding skills

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern, Romantic Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern, Romantic Squarestylist Support

Monica Gibson

Creative Director/Owner

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Brand Design, Design and Strategy Intensives

Phoenix, USA

Monica Gibson

Phoenix / USA
Creative Director / Owner

Shopify Design and Dev, Squarespace Design and Dev, Website Tweaks

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Monica Gibson and I’m a Creative Director/Owner based in Phoenix, USA.


Outside work you will often find me traveling, trying new foods, at heated yoga, and flexing my non-digital creative muscle.


But on a typical workday, I am usually in and out of meetings, connecting with my clients, designing brands + websites, looking for inspo on non-digital platforms, and scouring social media for hidden gems.


My day usually starts with walking my dog :)


Most of the time I am working on myself! With the intention of leveling up my design and creative skills.

A creative studio that believe the odds are always in your favor.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Picking the perfect AIM name.


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Translating my wireframe into a site with motion and an exciting UX.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Editorial. Modern. Playful. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Anything with a gallery. I love new and exciting ways to share photos.


What makes your work standout?

My genuine love for design. I create the things I wish I saw more of in the world.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

That beauty and code not only can, but SHOULD go hand in hand.


What is your dream website project?

I love working with other creatives who aren't afraid to take bold moves and try something new. I don't have dream projects, I have dream clients. I believe I can bring all visions to life so long as I have a client who is open to being bold.

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Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support Playful, Editorial, Vintage, Bold, Monochromatic, Modern Squarestylist Support

Avni Nijhawan

Designer, Developer, Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

San Francisco, CA

Avni Nijhawan

San Francisco, CA / USA
Designer, Developer, Creative Director

Squarespace Design and Dev, Shopify Design and Dev, Photography, Website Tweaks, Design and Strategy Intensives, Brand Design

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace, Standout Shopify

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Avni Nijhawan and I’m a Designer, Developer, Creative Director based in San Francisco, CA


Outside work you will often find me playing piano, learning languages, dying at bootcamp, or on a picnic in Golden Gate Park.


But on a typical workday, I am usually at my computer with coffee and a cookie.


My day usually starts with coffee.


Most of the time I am working on putting ideas together!

We help innovative brands hellbent on change sparkle online.


What are your first memories of the Internet?

Ask Jeeves, Neopets, Xanga, MySpace, Geocities, AIM, Yahoo


What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

Becoming the catalyst for the vision; helping clients better know what they're looking for and ultimately bringing it to life through our collaboration


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Giving my cat Boba cuddles :)


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words? Modern. Playful. Bold


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

Custom menus, custom headers, animations on scroll,


What makes your work standout?

The name of the game is *memorable websites that share your story.* If you work with us, you're not going to get a cookie cutter design.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

Knowing how to code opens up an entire new world of design possibilities!


What is your dream website project?

I would love to work with a brand working on a truly unique, perhaps aspirational product that makes the world a better place — lab-grown meat brand UPSIDE Foods comes to mind!

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Aimee Molesworth

Wedding Marketing Agency

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Photography

Sydney, Australia

Aimee Molesworth

Sydney / Australia
Business Director of a Wedding Marketing Agency

Squarespace Design and Dev, Brand Design, Website Tweaks, Photography

Course Taken
Standout Squarespace

Selected Work



Hi! My name is Aimee Molesworth and I’m the Business Director of a Wedding Marketing Agency based in Sydney, Australia.


Outside work you will often find us at the beach, at a cafe getting lunch, dining at a boujee restaurant, running a marathon, or growing our organic farm.


But on a typical workday, I am usually at a cafe enjoying coffee, collaborating with the team and sometimes you will find us at a content shoot.


My day usually starts with coffee.


Most of the time I am working on branding and websites.



What is the best part about the process of building websites for you?

I love transforming a design from prototype to code, figuring out the best practices and processes to ensure the project runs smoothly and working with clients to bring there dream to life.


What is your favorite stretch or pastime in between coding?

Definitely a killer playlist, Coffee and some sort of sweets.


How would you describe your Standout Style in 2-3 words?

Romantic. Editorial. Minimalist. Feminine. Modern


Which Standout workshops do you find yourself incorporating most often on your website projects?

I often incorporate the Mega Menu into websites because it adds a unique touch and offers endless design possibilities.


What makes your work standout?

We are a premier wedding marketing agency specialising in wedding branding and web design. Our extensive knowledge in the wedding industry sets us apart.


What are the biggest takeaways from the Standout programs?

The Standout program has greatly enhanced my ability to think on my feet and elevate my coding skills to new heights. I find it to be an invaluable source of support.


What is your dream website project?

My dream website project would be for a florist. Working with stunning images of flowers on such a project would be an absolute pleasure.

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